Sick and Tired

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I saw thereafter he hung up on me. Angry and upset i started to cry. But instead of letting it get to me i just got a shower and got ready for bed.

Kevin's POV

I had 10 minutes till i had to be on stage. I hung up and left the bathroom. I slammed the door shut. "Are you okay man?" Jer said

"Yeah i just wanna get today done and over with ya know?"

"I get you."

I put my ear piece in and got pumped up for the gig.

Almost 2 hours went by and the gig was finally over. I realized i was really harsh on Kay and i feel really bad. So I decided to text her to apologize.

Kay's POV

It was 2:30 in the morning and i wake up to my phone going off. I sat up and rubbed my eyes for a minute then i unlocked me phone. It was a text from Kevin

Hey Kay, I'm so sorry for freaky out on you earlier. I shouldnt have done that I just got so jealous. I let my feelings get the best of me and i feel bad. Your probably sleeping right now and im sorry to bug you, but i just wanted you know that. Well Goodnight Kay. I love you forever and always. Have a good day tomorrow.

I decided to text him back

Its fine Kevin you didnt let me explain the story. Their is only one man who has my heart and thats you and that will never change. You are my world and i would have been very mad if the same thing happened too. I love you too forever and always. Nighty night love.

I replied and went back to bed.

Kevin's POV

I got a text from Kay and i read it and smiled.

"everything okay." Jer asked with a smile on his face.

"everything is perfect" i said still smiling.

The next couple of months went by smootly, and tomorrow we would pick Kay up from the airport and she would join us on tour for 2 Weeks. I started to clean up my clothes because they are all over the hotel room and we were leaving.

"are you excited for Kay to come?" Josh asked

"of course" i said

"what time are we picking her up from the airport?" Alex asked

"12 in the after noon" jeremy said

"we better clean this place up then hah" Neil said.

Kay's Pov

Ever since that fight i have been going to Jer alot. He is my boyfriends best friend and i have been texting him alot how we are gonna suprise kev by taking him to a local carnival in town for our anniversary

I started to pack my things and headed out of the house and took a taxi too the airport.

Finally there and i was running late so i had to run to the plane. I sat down and closed my eyes the next thing i know was someone shaking my arm.

"ma'am wake up where here."

"i jumped up and went to the bathroom to check my makeup. i went for the natural look i woke cover up and mascara and thats it. I had my hair up in a bun with my bangs down and i was wearing my Jeans and uggs and my adtr shirt. I walked out of the plane and went straight to the gate looking for 3 really tall tattooed guys and 2 smaller ones. I finally spotted Kevin and he saw me. Our eyes locked then i dropped my bags and started running as fast as i could towards him. So was he. Then he finally stopped and i kept running and i got to him. He picked me up and spun me around i wrapped my legs around his waist. We started kissing.It was like a scene in a movie. Everything was perfect now that i was with him.

hey guys i just wanted to say thank you for reading this. It means the world to me. just let me know what you guys think love yaa

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