no voice no problem

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kevin's POV

I woke up in the same position as we fell asleep. i decided to go make breakfast i made my favorite blueberry pancakes with strawberries on the side. as soon as i finished i got up and headed upstairs to wake kayla up.

"kayla. babe. wake up." i shook her a little and she didnt move. so then i decided to steal her covers. all she did was grunt.

"i made blueberry pancakes"

she still didnt move so i grabbed her glasses and picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. she didnt even scream. she was too tried so i sat her down at the table gave her glasses over to her and brought her the plate im made and started making coffee. she looked at me straight in the face and just smiled. so i walked over to her and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

kaylas pov

i started eatting and when i was half way done kevin said

"what do you want to do today"

"i dont know" i squeaked i covered my mouth and looked so serious at him. he started to laugh at me. i couldnt help but silent laugh too.

"i dont know what happened." i squeaked. after breakfast i decided to get ready for the day. i jumped into the shower and started humming hunter hayes i want crazy.

i finished and hopped out of the shower and put my towel on and started my makeup. i did the natural look but the makeup way and just scrunched my hair. i went into the room to go get clothes on all of a sudden i felt a pair of hands wrap around waist.

"OH MY GOD" i squeaked

i went to swing on who ever it was but he ran away before i hit him.

"SORRY. . SORRY" he ran back and put his hands up

i giggled. i walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. i wore a pair of jean shorts and a phillies shirt. while i got dressed kev got a shower. we justed watched movies and cuddled for the rest of the day until later that night. the boys from adtr ptv and atl are going to the club and me and my sister are going bowling with her kids.

"ill see you later okay." i squeakd with my voice still horse

"i love you" he said and kissed my head.

"i love you too" i said as i ran out the door.

kevins pov

after kayla left i waited like ten more minutes till the guys showed up. i grabbed my jacket and left.

"K skaff!" Hime screamed.

"Hime!!" i walked over to him and made myself comfy.

"how have been man? how kayla?"

"were good."

"why did you say it like that? are you not happy? do you not have feelings for her anymore?"

" i do but i dont know. i guess my feelings..... im not really happy. i love her of course i love her but i dont know if i wanna be in a relationship anymore. i miss my single days."

"I know what you mean. i had the same feelings when lisa and i had been going on 2 years." alex added. "it will change and you will realize how bad you miss her after a while if you break up. and if you leave her for to long she might move on. can you picture your life without her?"

i thought long and hard about what he said to me at the club. "can picture your life without her?" i dont know but i know i was entirely to drunk to think about it now. i need to talk about it with her.....


kaylas pov

"strike haha in your face." odin my nephew said.

"ya know what." i jokingly said.

we left to.go grab some pizza. right after that i went home i was to tired. i walked inside and no one was there. i figured its only 11 so he was still at the club so i got changed and went right to bed.

kevins pov

i walked in the front door and tripped over my foot. i shut the door behind me and it was dark in the house. i went straight into the bedroom cause i knew kayla would be sleeping.  i ripped the covers off her and she woke up and turned the light on.

"kev what are you doing"

i looked her dead in the eyes and said

"im not happy anymore."

kayla pov

"im not happy anymore" i could smell the alcohol off his.breath. i took a minute before those words set in.

"okay" was all i said back.

" you don't get it I'm not happy anymore here!" he screamed at me. i layed him down in bed put the covers over him and walked into the guest bedroom and slept in their.

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