bullies and murder

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-Nobody's POV-

Ayano got really pissed with her annoying voice but hid it to make her safe.

Everything went blurry to darkness.

-Ayano's POV-

(Flashback of ayano's middle school life)

I remembered taro when he first appeared in my life. He saved me from those bullies in middle school. I could have been more hurt without him by my side.

But he changed schools when he went abroad which made me stay until i get to become a highschooler.

The bullying went by again. This time its far worst that before. They kicked me around. Punching me. Insulting me with bad names. And lots of horrible things. They even went too far. They killed my cat and stuffed it on a shoebox with a doll that's headless and looks like me.

This made me cry so much that it caused me to commit suicide but failed.

One day, i cant hold any further. I grabbed my box cutter and stabbed everyone who bullied me right on the spot. I cryed but laughed insanely.

"Go to hell. Thats a place for you dying seekers should be" i said in a whispering demonic voice.

I hid the evidence and went home smilling.

I then realized what happened. I snapped back into reality.

(Back to reality)

"Aya--! Wh---- ha----..."

I cant really hear what that person was trying to say. I cant make the words in my mind.

I then felt warm hands carry me.

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