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-Ayano's POV-

Its morning. I woke up. The sun is out, the sky is blue and... im ready to kill.

I then noticed something rather than killing, I AM LATEEEEEE!!!

I ran to my closet and wore my navy sailor uniform. I then dashed down the stairs and into the kitchen. I toasted my bread and held it on my mouth. I wore my black stockings too.

I then dashed out of the house like flash. I noticed that i forgot to tie my hair into a ponytail but i dont care. Maybe i could let my hair down.. just for today.. i guess..

I ran to school and luckily i wasnt that late. While sprinting down the halls, i bumped to.... SENPAIII!!!

"Are you okay miss?!" He asked worriedly.

"Y-y-yeah budo k-kun" i stuttered and blushed deeply. I felt like a tomato.

"Phewww good thing you werent hurt." He said while chuckling.

I giggled on the sight and felt my face heat up..

"Umm how did you know my name?" He asked.

"Huh?? Its me ayano!" I said.

"Oh ayano chan! Im sorry.. i thought you were another student.. my bad haha.." he apologised.

"Your hair really suits you like that to be honest. But you also look great with a ponytail." He complimented meeee!!!! WAHHHH.

"Oh really? How nice of you to say!" I said with a warm smile.

"Hahaha.. we should get going to class now." He insisted.

"Okayyy." I said cheerfully.

We then walked to our classroom and sat on our seats. I was beside budo kun. I was squealing in my mind.

I noticed everybody was looking at me like im a new student.. is it because of my hair?

"Please be in class on time." Sensei scolded us.

"Hai." We both said. AHUUUUU IM BLUSHING.

We are studying english but im looking at budo kunnn. He is sooo cuteeee. Once i eliminate all of my rivals, ill soon have a happy ending with budo kun!

-Budo's POV-

Ayano seems to act different went im around her.. did something happened? Btw that hairstyle looks great on her! She looks very pretty.
Im taking chances to look at her and i succeeded! AHAHAHAHAHAHA...


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