Gods and monsters pt.6

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Dayyyuuuummmn this is turning into a story 😂😂 well its nearly finished( not even close to finishing)

"Son, the greatest trick the Devil pulled was convincing the world there was only one of him." ― David Wong, John Dies at the End


Christmas morning came and the couple woke up tangled in sheets on the sofa. But despite that fact later on they stood around the Christmas tree together, unwrapping presents and looking like the perfect family- when they were not.

Nothing interesting happened during the event, aside from the fact that Kevin received a new set of now and arrows from his father and a set of throwing knives were given to Sophie by her boyfriend- both gifts a weapon as sharp as the hardest diamond and Eva could feel the creeping butterflies in her stomach, warning her that there was something that was going to happen- bad or good she did not know.

Sophie bid goodbye that day and Eva volunteered, was forced, to be the one who gave her a ride home and as always the grey eyed girl asked to be dropped off at the same neighborhood as before and not at her exact home.

"Well Merry Christmas Mrs. K." Sophie started to leave the car when the older woman asked a question which made her pause. "How long are you planning to be with him?"

Sophie looked at her menacingly as if Eva's very existence was a big mistake in the universe. "As long as he wants me to be.

She said and Eva looked at her with a soft and concerned look. "You know what he is capable of, right?"
"Yes, truly I do."

"Then why not leave while you still have the chance?" She asked this and Sophie looked at Eva with an intimidating gaze that looked like the grey eyed girl was going to swallow her whole. "You do not truly believe that Kevin is the only one whose capable of doing such heinous deeds." She said and finally got out of the car, her ashen locks bouncing behind her as she walked. Eva could only watch her silhouette as it vanished into the surroundings, like a ghost disappearing without a trace.


Celia's hamster was missing and Eva tried to find it- really, she tried really hard to find it but like Sophie's disappearing figure it vanished without a trace. She tried to explain things carefully to her young daughter, since she doubted if the child could easily understand the concept of death.

Right now she was washing dishes, while Kevin and his father played outside with a tetherball. Celia looked sullen as she continued to think of her missing let hamster, unbeknownst to her Eva was now staring at a bloodied sink and glanced outside to a smirking Kevin. For a second the look lasted on his face until a smile slid back and he carried on with his game as if nothing happened.

They were dangerous and now Eva just wanted to wash away the red liquid from everything. But that wasn't the only thing that Kevin did, out of Eva's carelessness the disinfectant cabinet was left open causing Celia to accidentally damage her eye.

Her youngest daughter would now have to get a glass eye and Eva hated the fact that her son didn't even look guilty, not one bit, instead he looked like he was pleased with himself. Of course her husband didn't believe her claims about Kevin and as always she was left to pick up the pieces.


"So you blinded your sister, just because your mother scarred my arm?" She asked, while Kevin traced the nonexistent wound on her arm. The two were sprawled on his bed, with Sophie laying on his chest and Kevin's hand ghosting over her arm while the other was tangled in her locks.

"Why, didn't you stab a girl in the eye because you were jealous of the way she was staring at me?" He said and Sophie could only look at him with amusement in her eyes. A wide grin appeared on her face and Kevin knew she was pleased causing also himself to smile in delight. She sat up slowly and turned to face Kevin- causing the grey eyed girl to straddle the psychotic teenage boy.

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