chapter two

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The next morning i awoke and i was sweating from laying next to the fire all night and being in between two dwarfs. I then felt something near my breast. It was hand and not just any hand it was Kili's hand. I liked it. My body wanted more but it was not wise. He moved and i closed my eyes. He must had realized where is hand was for he it was removed quickly. After a safe amount of time i got up.

"Good morning miss Katie."

"Good morning Bilbo how did you sleep?"

"Alright and you."

"Very good."

After a short breakfast we where back on the road. We rode all day and my nightfall we came to some rocks and made camp. As i was preparing my bed i heard a scream that hoped i would never hear. My knees went weak and i almost fell.


Kili caught me

"What was that?" Bilbo said

"Orcs." I said.


Fili and Kili tried to scare Bilbo with some the things orcs did and then they laughed.

"There is nothing funny about an orc raid." I said and walked away from him.

"She is right." Thorin said.

"We did not mean anything by it."

"i know you didn't."

Thorin walked away and looked at the sky.

Balin told the story about the fight at Moria. How a pale orc killed his father and he fought them back into the mountain. I watched as the other dwarfs looked at him. They where all willing to go with serve him the future King Under the Mountain

Kili then sat down by me.

"Sorry Fili and i did that."

"It was a  mouth ago when a group of orcs came to my village they killed everyone man woman and child burned the houses to the ground."

"You don't have to tell me this."

"I want to. I was out picking berries and nuts. When i came back they where laughing and put the bodies on a big pile and the set it on fire. I lost my family and home that day and i have been on my own ever since.I have not slept a full night for fear of what i will see."

"Katie you survived that is good but i have no idea how you must feel. The images that haunt you at night." He put his hand on my arm and rubbed it.

I then went in to kiss him. He returned it. He put his hands on my back and pushed me closer. The kiss grew deeper and our tongues wrestled. We then broek away gasping for breath.

"Not bad for a dwarf." He smiled

"You are not so bad your self."

We where about to go again when Thorin came over.

"Katie get some sleep. Kili you keep watch."

"Good night beautiful." He said with a smile.

"Good night."

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