chaper fourteen

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I got was a barrel with kili and we headed down the river. I saw the gate that led out but i saw orcs coming. The gate started to close."

"No!" Thorin yelled.

I looked over and saw the leaver. I got out of the barrel.

"Katie!" I heard kili but i had to help them if we did  not get out we would die. I quickly started to make my way to it but felt something sharp hit my leg.

"Katie!" I pushed as hard as i could and the gate opened. Then i saw an orc coming but it got shot by an arrow. I looked and it was the blond hair elf.

I made my way back into kili's barrel.the arrow broke off as i went down. He looked at me.

"Just go kili!" I yelled and he pushed off and we where off down the river.

The orcs chased us down the river. but we where able to get rid of them.

We soon stopped and i was able to look at leg. Kili looked at me.

"Im fine."

"Come on thorin said.

"Katie is hurt uncle. bilbo came over."

"Im fine."

"No you are not i have to keep not only you but also our child safe" He touched my stomach. "Now sit."

I sat on a rock.

"Bind it quickly you have two minutes."

just then a man came. Balin made a bargain with him if he could  get us to lake twon we would pay him and he agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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