chapter five

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I knew what was wrong. He had the feeling too. The others came out from the troll cave and they had some new swords.

"Some one is coming!' Ori said.

"Katie stay behind me." Kili said.

Rabbits pulling someone came threw.

"Radagast." Gandlaf said.

We where safe for now. I need to sit down so i found 1st plot of ground and sat down. Kili sat down by me.

"What you did with the trolls was brave." He smiled. "But also reckless." He chuckled.

"My mom said that." He took my hand we where about to kiss when there was a loud horn.

"Oh no!"

"Katie it's ok i won't let them hurt you." Kili said.

"I'll draw them off." Radagast said

"These are Gundabad wargs. They will out run you!" Gandlaf said

"These are Rhosgobel rabbits. I'd like to see them try."

So Radagast distracted them and we ran.

We threw a opened meadow with rocks. At one point we where hiding behind a rock. An orc was on top of the rock. Thorin looked over at Kili and nodded. Kili then ran and shot him but he madge to blow his horn. I ran and killed him with my sword. They all looked impressed.

"Come on let's go!' Thorin said and we ran

"Where is Gandlaf?" I asked.

Everyone looked around.

"He has abandoned us!" Thorin said.

"In hear fools!" Gandlaf was in between two rocks.

"Kili look out!" I stabbed a warg that almost killed him. He then shot another one with his arrows.

"Kili! Katie!"

We ran to the rocks and slid down.

"You ok?" Kili asked and helped me up.

I nodded.

Then another horn was heard but it was not an orc horn.

We then walked threw the passage way and we soon found are selves looking at a beautiful building.

"Riverndal." Bilbo said.

That was when i remembered what Thorin said. I could only stay until they found place for me. I had grown close to the dwarfs to Bilbo and most of all Kili. My heart sank. After a little banter between Gandlaf and Thorin we went over. Lord Elrond invited us to have dinner.

"Come my lady i will show you place you can freshen up." Lord Elrond said. I nodded and followed him He led me to a room. It had a water fall and a pool with heat coming from it.

"You may take a bath if you wish."

"Thank you."

He places a slink white dress on a table. It felt nice to take off my dress that had been wearing for over a mouth and have a nice warm bath. I was probably there for about ten minutes. I got out and changed into the dress and went to where they where all have dinner. It was probably my last time with them so I made the best of it.

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