chapter thirteen

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I started to get really hungry.

"What's wrong Kaite." Fili asked.

"Im starving."

"She needs to eat to keep the baby alive." Balin said

The blond elf showed up.

"Excuse me the lady needs food she is with child." He came over to my cell.

"You are with child?"

I slowly nodded.

"And if you are responsible for killing my child elf i will make you pay!" Kili yelled.

He looked at Kili and then at me.

"I will get some food."

A short time later he came back with some fruit."

"Thank you."

He looked at me and left.

"Go on Katie eat." Kili said.

I did so. It was really sweet.

"Miss Katie?"

"Yes Ori."

"Remember when you say when it was raining?"


"Will you sing again."

"The dwarfs agreed.

I smiled. 'I suppose."  I thought of one.

When the cold of Winter comes,

Starless night will cover day

In the veiling of the sun, We will walk in bitter rain

But in dreams, I still hear your name

And in dreams, We will meet again

"That was pretty Katie." Fili said.


"I got the keys!"


I looked out and it was Bilbo. He unlocked all the doors. I ran into Kili's arms.

"Come on i know the way out."

Bilbo led us to some barrels.

"Get in."

I climbed in with  Kili and we started to roll.

Splash Into the water

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