Chapter 11

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Breakfast was served.

"I think Katie has been hanging out dwarfes to long." Fili said. The dwarfes laughed. I looked at my plate. It was full. I lightly smiled and my cheeks where red. After i surprisingly ate all my food i went outside for a bit.

I started to get light headed and sat down.

"Miss Katie?" I turned to see Dori. "I think i know what is wrong with you."

"What do you mean I'm fine."

"How long has it been since you and Master Kili made love?"

I was embarrassed. "The day before we left Riverdale."

He nodded. "My i?"

I nodded. He touched my by stomach.

"Dori?"It was Kili. "Everything ok?"

"Yes every thing is great come here Master Kili."

He came over and took my hand.

"Master Kili I believe Katie is with child."

"What?" I was surprised. "No."

"Katie think about it you being vomiting alot and you ate a ton of food at breakfast. You two are gonna be parnets."

I looked at Kili he was so happy that i could not hide my joy anymore. I hugged him.

"Come on let's tell any one the news."

We went.

"Everyone i have some news. Katie is pregnant." The dwafs cheered and Bilbo smiled as well as  Gandlaf.

"What?" Thorin asked coming over to us.

"I'm going to be a father uncle."

He looked at us after several seconds he smiled. "The line of Durin will not be broken. Congratulations." He hugged us. "Once we kill the dragon we will have a proper wedding."

"Thanks uncle."

"Thank you Thorin."


I smiled and hugged him.

"I did not think you could do it brother." Fili said

"Do what?"

"Produce and heir."

I smiled and Kili pushed him.

We spent the day there and the next day we had to go Mirkwood.

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