chapter three

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"So Bilbo where do you live?"

"I live in Hobbition."

"That's in the Shire right?"

"It is."

"I have always wanted to go there but was never able to."

"Why not?

"My father he is loving but strict he did not allow us to leave the village unless we had a chore outside or we  got married."

"Well i hope you are able to see the shire one day. I hope i get to see again."

It soon started to rain. Kili had rode up to me.

"Here." he handed me a cloak.

He looked cuter when wet.

"Thank you."

Every one looked so depressed. The i remember my mother would sing me a song when i was sad and depressed.

The birds will fly the sun will shine. All dark things will pass. No don't give up. you will find your happiness.  You will find your hope you will be happy again

Then the rain stopped.

"That was very pretty Miss Katie." Balin said.

"Thank you."

I looked over at Kili he was just smiling.

We soon came to a grassy area and a burnt down house. I was a little hesitant about it. Kili walked over me?

"You ok?"

"It just makes me remember."

He sighed

"Come on you can stay with me."

Kili and Fili where in charged of watching the ponies. They told me stories about their past their home and some of the things they had seen. I then went to check the poines.

"Kili. Fili."

They came over and saw what i saw. Bilbo came over

"We had sixteen." Kili said

"Now we have fourteen."

I saw a light  a little ways away. I went to expect it with Kili following me.

"What is it?" Bilbo asked.


I stood up but Kili and Fili pulled me down.

"What are you doing they could kill you." Fili said.

"We cant just them eat are poines."

"She is right we have to do something." Bilbo said

"Yes you must." Kili said and walked over to him.

"What? No!"

"It's prefectly safe." Kili said.

"Im doing it alone."

"I will go." I said

"No way Katie!" Kili said

"Kili it would be easier."

"Ok be careful."

Bilbo took my hand.

"We will be right behind you."

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