chapter seven

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Kili moved and that made me opened my eyes. I watched him pull back the covers and sit on the side of the bed.

"I wish you did not have to go." He turned and lightly smiled.

"I know but i made a promise."

"Wait i will see you out."

I got my dress on and followed him out. Thorin walked over to me.

"You are not wearing that to the Lone Mountain are you?"

"What are you talking about? I thought you said i could only stay until we find a place for me."

"I did but i changed my mind you are a good fighter and we need you so hurry."

I smiled and raced back to my room. Put my old dress on and grabbed my sword and hurried back. We left Riverdal. Bilbo stopped and looked back.


"I wish we could have stay longer."

"Me too. But i think you will go back there one day."



He smiled and we caught up with the others. We did not stop untill almost midnight. I was about to fall asleep when i heard Kili and Thorin.

"Uncle why is Katie here?"

"We could use her."

"That is not true you have been against her being her since the start."

"I saw you and her in bed last night."

"You saw us?"

"I did not see anything. I have seen the way you two look at each other. And much as i don't want her i had not the heart separate you two especially after last night."

"Thanks uncle."

My eyes grew heavy and i fell asleep. The next thing i knew Bilbo was shaking me.

"What time is it?"

"Early come on."

He helped me up.

Rain started to come down. We where soon on the mountains. We soon found an opened in the cave and went in for the night.

"No fires we don't want to draw attention." I moved closer to Kili for warmth. I was cold and wet i would not be surprise if i got sick. But Kili kept me warm. We soon feel sleep.

Earth moved.


"Hold on!"

The floor under us moved and we fell and fell.

He was a princeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن