chapter nine

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Orcs where coming the only way out was to climb the tress. Kili helped Katie up and then climbed up him self. Gandlaf made some fire balls and handed them off. We threw them down. Fire was all around us. Just then branch Kili, Fili and where on started to break.

"We gotta move!" Fili said. "Katie you 1st." She nodded and jumped. Fili and Kili followed.

Then one ocr appered.

"It can not be." Thorin said.

"What is it?"

"That's the pale orc." Kili said.

"This is ends here."

Thorin jumped down.

"Thorin no!" I said.

He did not listen. Thorin took quite few but then warg attack him.

"NO!" Fili and Kili yelled.

The something happen I watched Bilbo jump down and kill the orc that almost took off his head. Then eagles appeared. I was on one with Fili and Killi. Thorin laid limp and they where worried. The eagles dropped us on on rock. When i came down i felt my stomach turned. I knew that feeling. I ran behind some more rock and no sooner did i did i vomit. I hated to vomit.  It whipped my mouth. I then looked over to see Bilbo and Thorin hugging. I smiled.

The feeling came again.

"Katie?" Kili came over he saw the vomit. "You ok."

"I don't know i just got there feeling and it came."

"You might be sick."

"Don't worry about me. How is Thorin?'

"He is  good. Come on."

We were soon on the ground and the feeling was gone.

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