chapter twelve

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(Before you get mad i love Legolas he is one of my favorite characters i just thought it make this chapter better if he is a big jerk so dont get to mad)

We made are way to Mirkwood and again Gandlaf had to go.

"Juts follow the path and you will be fine."

Kili took my hand and we went in. It was dark and big trees everywhere. The path was just some stones on the ground. After a while it lost the path.

"Bilbo climbed a tree and see where are."

"I don't know."

"Come on."

He climbed up a tree and disappeared.  I sat sat down. The next thing i remember is waking up to darkness I tried to move but i could not. I started to get scared and scream. I could feel something poking me. Then a sword broke threw.


"Come on out of there."

I realized i was in a spider sack and covered with webs.

"Katie!" I turned to see Kili. "You ok?" I nodded and hugged him. There spiders surrounded us. They where huge. We then started to fight them. I then saw Kili was not doing so good with one.

"KILI!" I ran stabbed it. He was able to get up. He pulled me back. Suddenly elves surrounded us.  I took Kili's arm.

"Search them!" One said with long blond hair said. He walked over to me. "What is a beautiful lady like you doing dwarfs?"

"None of your business!" I felt a sting on my face.  Kili went for him but i pulled him back.

"You will treat me with respect. Take them to the dungeons."  We where tied up and started to go but the elf pulled me back. "I will take you there my self.

I struggled. "Kili!"

"Let her go elf!" He said angry.

Kili was pushed back. He then pulled me along side him.

When he brought me to the dungeon they where all in cells. He opened one and pushed me in and i feel to the ground. He closed the door.

"Katie?" I caught up and walked to the cell. Kili was across from me.

"You ok?" I nodded.

"I wish i could hold you."

I smiled.

"Where's Thorin?"

"He was taking up to see the king." Dwalin said.

He was a princeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang