Part 16

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The both of us just freeze. Yoora' s face became red,I bet my ears are too.
"What?"she said.
"I said be my girlfriend. That's the third time I said that."she just froze there.

"Since when did you start falling for me?"she asked.
"Emmmm..since the day that I cried  when I came home. You?"I  asked.
"When you cook for me the day after the ball. Wait..." She froze.
"Yahh,that mean you fall for me first. You're the one who have to do what I say."she said.
"But you confess first."
"The bet said the one who fall first you idiot. "She pulled my hair making me fall backward.
"You have to do what I asked from now on." while rushed out from my room. I chuckle a little and continued packing my stuff.

I went downstairs after packing my stuff. I saw Yoora watching more drama since that's her life.

"Since you fall for me when I cook,so do you want me to cook for you?"she just glare at me before nodded.
"What do you want to eat princess?"
"Anything delicious."(Literally me.)
"Ok." I went to the kitchen and start cooking.

"But still,I won the bet don't I? That mean you have to do what I said. Aigoo,it's too late though. You're moving tomorrow."she said.
"But you confess first."
"You don't even remember the bet." I laughed.
"I remember but I just act like I don't remember just to see if you remember it or not."I just laughed.

"Anyways,I won."
"It's  fall not confess you idiot. I'm sorry for those who's in the same class with an idiot like you."
"You're sitting next to me in class."she didn't say anything after that.
"Idiot. Why aren't you talking."
"Stop bothering me. I can't watch my Dong wook."
"The definition of a fangirl life."
"Just shut up."

I continue cooking while she continue watching Dong wook in goblin.
"If you think that only looking at Dong wook will make you full,don't come here."while placing the food on the table.
"Aigoo,I'm full already."
"Suit yourself. I'm eating this myself."
"Good things need to be share."she rushed to the dining table.
"You said you're full."
"I suddenly became hungry."she grin.
"Just eat up."She eat as if there's no tomorrow.


Finally,The  day has come. My family's limousine is waiting outside. The others are here too.

"Well I guess this is goodbye."I said. The situation is a little sad. No one speak a word.
"Cheer up bro. I'll visit you when my family want to go there. It is my birthplace after all."said Bobby with a smile. I just smile at him.
"Sir,it's time to go."I just nodded.
Well,see you later bro."said Donghyuk hugging me,follow by the rest.
"Yoora yah."I said.
"Bye. I'm not going to miss you."she said.

I hug her tight and give a peck on her lips.
"Aigoo,I'm gonna cry seeing this couple breaking up."said Jinhwan.
"Don't worry Junhoe,I'll take care of Yoora like my own girlfriend."said Bobby.
"In your dream." I went inside the limousine,trying not to look back. I saw them waving and I can't wave back.


The limousine finally faded from our view.
"You guys better go home. It's still early in the morning."I said.
"Are you sure?"asked Chanwoo.
"We can stay for a little bit."said Yunhyeong. I just nodded.
"Ok then. Lets go."said Bobby.
"See you later."they all went to different path.

"Are really ok?"asked Hanbin.
"I'm fine. You better go too."
"Ok. If you need help just call me."I just nodded.
"Yah Hanbin, hurry up."scream Jinhwan.
"I'm coming. See you later."

I went inside and stand in front of my room door. There's a sticky note on it.

You drama lover Yoora,

         Thanks for letting me stay at your house for.. I don't know how long. Sorry that I've been a jerk towards you. And I accept your apologise for being a bigger jerk towards me. At first I really want to move out from this place,but after leaving for awhile,it's like my second house. After our confession last night makes me even sadder to move out. It just that,even I'm gone and not your official boyfriend,Don't hang out with other guys. And also,Don't you ever change,I try to not change either. I'll be back. I promise. Thanks for everything. Saranghae.

P.S:If you ever want to buy a dress,ask for my opinion since you wear the dress that I bought for the ball.

Don't know why,tears are falling. I didn't even answer his question last night. Can we still see each other in the future?

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