35 | The only responsible one

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Complement #54

Said to: Ms. Brownstone

You make a very good tea.


I think Jed means something entirely different than me by taking things slowly. On Monday morning, he cornered me by my locker and invaded my personal space - very personal space - by pushing me back against the wall of lockers and kissing me senseless. Right in front of the entire school. If he wasn't holding me up, the ground might have opened and swallowed me whole. The look on Makena's face when she saw us wasn't entirely helpful, too. It was the first time I've been called a whore. Apparently, being ganged upon and participating in a secret, two-people Homecoming placed me in this category. 

Being interrogated about all the details wasn't exactly nice, either. Makena was so interested in my night of Homecoming she seemed to forget all about hers. She appeared desperate to get to know every single detail, from the titles of the songs we danced to, to the color of Jed's tie. When I refused to talk about it, she asked me if Jed and I were now a couple. I told her we weren't. She pouted and called me stupid. 

Tuesday was rather stress-free, considering that Jed wasn't at school then. He kept sending me messages from his shift at Caffair every five minutes, which quickly led to my phone being confiscated during my third period. When I told him it was his fault, he laughed and told me he wasn't to blame that I'm too goody-two-shoes to use my phone during the lessons without being caught. That earned him a punch to the arm. He only laughed, called me cute, and kissed me.

On Wednesday, Jed kept chasing me in the halls, not leaving me alone for one second. During the lunch break, he paid for my lunch, threatening that if I didn't let him, he was going to start texting me again. He even run to Caffair during the break and presented me with my favorite chocolate chip cookie, and didn't let up until I ate it whole. That was when I started regretting my decision about letting him in. Two more weeks of this and my favorite jeans were not going to fit me any longer. And as much as I loved chocolate chip cookies, I also loved my jeans. So did Jed, if what he said about a certain part of my body in them was to be believed. If so, it would be a shame to get rid of them. These jeans are awesome. In more ways than one. 

Thursday was Ms. Scottinson's class. I have to admit, she made quite a good job of pretending she couldn't see how Jed kept kicking the underside of my seat every few seconds on how he purposefully moved his desk forward to play with my hair. He was annoying, really, but for once, bot of us kept our mouths shut. I guess Ms. Scottinson was so happy with us not blowing her lesson by arguing, she chose to tolerate all the other things we did. Or Jed did, really. I paid attention to every word she said during the forty minutes. Well, apart from few. It was hard to concentrate with Jed wrapping one strand of my hair around his finger over and over and humming a slow song, quiet enough for me only to hear.

He heard about it after the bell rang. I planned on giving him a lecture on how I was going to switch places with the overweight guy sitting by the window if he didn't stop this, but ended up being silenced with yet another one of Jed's skilled kisses. It was ridiculous, really, how a single sweep of his mouth could shut me up. In fact, it was starting to get dangerous. I was on a good way to become addicted to Jed's lips. This couldn't be healthy. Or safe.

In fact, it was the very exact pair of lips I am thinking about while sitting in Ms. Brownstone's office Thursday afternoon. It took a solid cold-clearing and a pointed glare from her side to drag my mind out of the gutter and focus on what she was saying.

"Is there anything you want to share, Ada?" Ms. Brownstone arches a brow.

I bite back the goofy smile threatening to take over my face. "No."

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