I Don't Understand

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Chapter 6
(7 months later )
Rachel's pov:
Finn and I have been trying to get pregnant for seven months now and still nothing. Finn and I have sex almost every day so why can't we get pregnant? Today Finn and I are going to the fertility doctor to see if something is wrong . I'm really nervous because I really want a baby. Sometimes I think Finn doesn't though, I think he's still scared which is understandable but I know he'll be a great dad he just doesn't.

"Okay Rachel, Finn, I got back the test and everything is fine." The doctor said.

"Awesome , so what now?" I asked her.

"Well sometimes getting pregnant takes time. If you're under stress it can be difficult or if the timings not right it make take a bit. My suggestion would be to take a break from the baby stuff just relax and it'll happen." She told us

"Okay , thank you." I said and we left.

"I'm going to take a shower." Finn said.

"Okay I'll be down here." I said.

Finn starting to leave when I said,

"Is everything okay?" I asked him.

He turned around and said,

"Yeah everything's fine." He said.

I could tell he was lying,

"Okay." He was about to go when I said, "You know I'm your wife Finn. If something is wrong I want you to tell me . " I said.

He walked down stairs and said,

"Nothing's wrong okay Rachel." He said frustrated.

"Obviously something is or you wouldn't be acting like this." I said.

"Like what!" He yelled angry .

"Like this! So distant and cold ! So tell me what the hell is going on so we can work it out before the I get pregnant!" I yelled.

"I don't want kids!" He yelled angrily.

I looked at him confused and said,

"I don't, I don't understand I thought we had this talk you said we were okay and that you wanted this." I said.

"Well I lied!" He said upset. "I don't want kids Rachel, no now not ever! I just don't okay!" He yelled.

I shook my head and said,

"No it's not okay." I said and ran up stairs.

"Rachel." Finn said coming in after me.

"No!" I yelled grabbing my suitcase.

"Where are you going?" He asked me.

"I'm going to Quinn's." I said.

"Rachel come on don't be like that ." He said .

"Just go away Finn." I said as I started to pack.

"Rachel don't do this." He said.

"To late." I said.

"No you're not leaving!" Finn said and there my suitcase and threw it across the room knocking down our wedding photo and breaking it.

"God what is wrong with you!" I yelled upset and started to pick up the glass.

He was quiet and said,

"Rachel please don't leave." He begged.

"You know what Finn, I don't understand you.How could not want a baby ? Fifty percent you, fifty percent me , how could you not want that for us? What is it that is keeping you from telling me the truth? Why do you feel this way? We're in love and happy and I want to do this because we would be fantastic parents I know we would. And I know that your dad wasn't around and yeah that sucks but I had a crappy life too before I met you." I cried.

"I just , I can't." He said.

I looked down upset and said,

"Well then I think maybe, we should take some time apart. Just cool off and be separated for a while. Till we figure things out." I said.

"Rachel please I'm begging you...."

I stopped him and holding my tears back I said,

"Please don't make this anymore painful than it already is, I want this to work , I want us to work but maybe it can't." I said and left .

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