You Made A Vow

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Chapter 11
(2 days later )
It's been a couple of days since I made the decision to take a break from Rachel's and I's marriage and since then I've been staying with Puck. I decided to go to the house to get some of my stuff . I walked in to see Rachel standing there looking like she was getting ready to go to work.

"Hi" I said .

"Hi" She said back.

"I just came to get some of my stuff" I said.

"Right well I should go " She told me .

She was about to leave when she stopped and said ,

"Please don't leave Finn, we can make this work , we can fix this I promise just don't leave me " She begged me .

I stopped and said ,

"I just know if that's possible Rach, you lied to me and that hurt a lot" I said .

"You made a vow Finn! We made a vow , to love each other no matter what ! You made a vow to love me forever and you are standing here trying to tell me that you don't think we can fix this well I don't believe it " She told me .

"Yeah I made a vow but so did you Rachel! We're supposed to be truthful to each other no matter what , and I don't think I can trust you" he said .

"You can't trust me ? You can't trust ME! God you are unbelievable Finn! The only reason I lied to you is because I didn't want to hurt you ! I never wanted you to feel the pain I felt and now you do and I am so so sorry for that! But , I am hurting too Finn! I am hurting too!" She yelled at me .

I looked at her as tears ran down her face and I knew she was telling the truth , we were both hurting .

"Please don't leave me" She begged me .

She came closer and unbuttoned my pants and said ,

"Please don't leave me" she said again.

I leaned in and kissed her passionately. I then picked her and we went upstairs and into the bed and began having sex .

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