You're My Wife

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Chapter 27
(3 months later )
Final Chapter
Rachel's pov:
It's been 3 months since I left Lima and moved back to New York .  I went back to broadway and now it's just me and my cat Sheila . I think about Finn every single day , I wonder how he's doing what's going on in his life . Kurt says he's walking again and that he's found a new job as a principal. He's happy and so am I but I'm really not . I was at home with my cat Sheila when suddenly there was a knock on my door . I got up and opened the door to see him standing there , and by him,  I meant Finn . He looked at me and said ,

"Rachel you're pregnant." He said .

I looked down at my stomach, I was only four months along but  I had a little bump.

"Yeah." I said .

"Is it mine ?" He asked me .

"Of course she  is." I said .

He smiled and said ,


"Yeah , it's a girl." I said .

He looked at me and said ,

"You're my wife ."

"What?" I asked him confused .

"Rachel ,  you have been my wife and yes , we've been through a lot and yes we fight but that's what we do , I tell you when your being annoying and you tell me when I'm being an ass . But the point is that we've always loved each other and no divorce can change the fact that I will always be your husband and you will always my wife . We belong together . " He said .

I looked at him and said ,

"We've tried Finn , we can't make it work . Look at us , I hurt you and you almost died . And now this baby is in the picture and I just I don't wanna ...."

"Can you look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me ?" He asked me .

"Finn." I said .

"Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me . If you can do that I'll go and I'll never bother you again." He said .

I looked him in the eye and paused . He looked down and said ,

"Goodbye Rachel."

I shut the door and then suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks and I ran out the door and ran after Finn.

"Finn!!" I yelled going to the elevator.

He stopped the door and I jumped into his arms and said ,

"I love you." And kissed him passionately.

(1 year later )
"Happy Birthday to you , happy birthday to you , happy birthday Rosie , happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang .

"Blow out your candle baby girl." I said to Rosie our daughter .

She blew out her candle and everyone clapped for her . I looked at my husband Finn and said ,

"Happy anniversary Mr. Hudson."

He smiled pulled me in close and said ,

"Happy anniversary to you Mrs.Hudson." And he kissed me passionately.

The End.

Hey everyone check out my newest Finchel books family matters And Love Story .


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