Chapter 33 - Trial of Hermione Granger.

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The days were flying by and before the group knew it they had to make their way back to the court room for the next trial, which was in fact Hermione.

She came out a little less calm then Mr and Mrs Weasley had done, in fact she was trying to break free and shouting out at those around her, when she spotted Hadrian she turned on him.

"How could you do this to us?! We were your friends, we did everything for you!" She yelled at him.

"No you did what you were paid to do, I saved your life plenty of times and I find out you weren't even my friends!" He yelled back, the judge listened to all of this wanting to make a record of it.

"Of course we are your friends Harry, what did Malfoy tell you all of this?" She said with hatred in her eyes.

"No you were never my friends, my name is Hadrian and no I found out all on my own. I was beginning to doubt things in the light for a while before I left, going to Gringott's and learning the truth was the final straw I needed." Hadrian explained to the girl.

"Well the goblins lied, we all know they are dark creatures!" She yelled shocking the crowd, never accuse a goblin of something they did not do.

"Sorry Ms Granger but that is incorrect, while they are dark creatures as most creatures are they cannot lie, it is the rule of the bank and why the goblins were put in charge. A goblin cannot lie." The judge told her, this shocked her so obviously she wasn't as smart as people thought.

"Of course they can lie, all dark people and creatures do." Hermione said, she knew this she didn't know why they were questioning her.

"The only thing that lies in this room is you Granger. I am a Vampire/Phoenix so is Tom, the others are Vampires, Werewolves or Veela, we are all classed as dark. And we have never lied, the goblins take a vow to never lie, and one never has." Hadrian explained, all of those years in Hogwarts pretending he knew nothing because that's what Dumbledore wanted him to do, he really wished he had listened to that old man now.

"I...I." She stuttered, she had nothing to say to that, Harry Potter had been faking his dumbness in the school, this is how he was really like.

"Nothing to say Ms Granger, then we shall move on." The judge said, indicating with his hand to administer the truth potion to the girl.

They waited until her eyes clouded over and emotion disappeared from her face to begin the questioning. "Were you aware that the Dursley family were abusing Harry Potter?" A member of the crowd asked the girl.

"Yes, he talked about it all of the time in school it got a bit annoying really." She told them, making the crowd gasp at how horrid that sounded.

"Why did you not help him?" The judge asked.

"Because we didn't like him, he always got us danger and nearly killed on multiple occasions, being around him was like being with a bomb." She explained, once more the crowd gasped and looked ready to kill the girl.

"Did accept money from Albus Dumbledore to be friends with Harry Potter?" The judge asked.

"Yes I did, I got quite a bit for pretending to be a friend, but because of how much danger we were always in we thought it was time he paid us more." She told them.

"Did you know that Albus Dumbledore was stealing from the Potter vault?" He asked her.

"Yes, some of us even went down to the vaults sneaking extra when Dumbledore was not looking." She told him in return.

"Do your parents have anything to do with this?" The judge asked.

"They are idiotic muggles who I care nothing for, they are just the people who brought me here and people I live with, nothing more." Hermione said, her face remaining emotionless.

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