Welcome, Wattpadders! (CLOSED)

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(I typed this in Word and then copy-pasted it into Wattpad, and it somehow completely murdered my punctuation marks. So its not my fault if there's any grammar mistakes)

EDIT: PLEASE STOP LEAVING FORMS! This has been closed for MORE THAN A YEAR and is now completed! I don't need any more Authors!!!

Please read the story anyway, because I'll be accepting more OCs in the SECOND book.

DO NOT try to give me any more OCs right now!!!


Heeeeeeey, everyone!

Yeah, I'm doing ANOTHER story! 📖

This one's gonna be a lot of fun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Why? Because YOU get to be in it!

Well first, let me explain what this is about and where I got the idea.

While I was brainstorming possible ep. 9 theories, I came up with this gem:

What if SOREN created the other worlds? He was called 'Soren the Architect, Builder of worlds and the leader of the OOTS', after all. And he could've been an Old Builder. What if he and the other Old Builders created the Portal Network with the Command Block?! Maybe after finding out that the Command Block would be destroyed, Soren ran off to create a failsafe to stop the other worlds from falling apart, because with the Command Block destroyed, the other worlds would be destroyed too. And maybe it worked for a while, but after the New Order had their little adventure in the Portal Network, the failsafe started to...err... fail, and the worlds began to collapse.

That's where I got the idea. But there's more!

I want to have some Wattpadders in this, so fill out dis form!! And you won't just be some random background characters. The Wattpadders in this story are kind of going to be the main heroes.

Only thing is, I'd rather it was a form describing you, not an OC. If you really really feel like you need to put an OC, fine. But it'll work better for the story if its actually Wattpadders.

And I'll be accepting TWELVE. Any more than that would make this WAAAAAY too confusing and complicated to write lol.

Also, don't give yourself crazy powers. No 'I can read minds' or 'I can shape-shift' or 'I have magic wings'. Some of the characters ARE going to get powers, so that's completely unnecessary.

One more thing.

Some of the characters are going to die. You can tell me if you really want to survive the whole book, but keep in mind, there'll be a good amount of death.

But whatever. Every good story has death, in my opinion XD

Here's da form:

Name- (weird names like Rush or Indigo are perfectly fine)

Age- (you don't have to put your real age)

Gender- (if you identify as an attack helicopter, that's fine with me)


Personality- (please be specific)



Crush- (optional)

Fave MCSM character-

Least fave MCSM character-

Username- (only for OCs! It's not relevant for personas!)

Weapon- (it can be whatever you want, so long as its not insane)



Other- (any other info you want to add)

Ik ik, kinda nosy. Sorry bout that.

But here, this is mine as an example:

Name- Rush

Age- 15

Gender- female

Appearance- elbow-length brown hair with bright blue tips, green eyes, dark eyebrows, wears a purple t-shirt with a black Alan Walker jacket and embellished blue jeans, 5'2 (ish), wears a black cat-ear headband and brown shoes

Personality- goofy, creative, purposely weird, sometimes annoying, mostly smart but sometimes acts like an idiot, loves being with friends but can be shy with new people/grownups, likes to be a leader but only if she knows what she's doing, doubts herself a lot, can sometimes be a complete worry-wort over simple things, introverted, competitive, independent,

Likes- cats, reading, drawing, exploring, writing songs/singing, naming random animals/objects, Skittles, dragons,

Dislikes- socializing, snakes, people being condescending or rude for no reason, grudges, not having choices/being forced into things,

Crush- haha just wait and see

Fave MCSM character- Petra, Lukas, and the Blaze Rods :3

Least fave MCSM character- Hadrian or Soren

Username- I'm not an OC so it doesn't apply

Weapon- Iron sword, enchanted with knockback, unbreaking, and fire aspect


NOTP- Lukesse 😐

Other- uhhh idk lol

Ok! Just fill out da form and you're set! Next chapter will tell you who's in :D

Edit: hey look a cast

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