~Chapter Thirteen~

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Note to self- this is in THIRD PERSON, not FIRST.


This chapter is 80% explaining shit, which annoyed me to no end because I really hate chapters like that :/

*sighs* Here we go...

And WHAT?! It HASN'T BEEN months since I updated?! How is this possible?

XDD I'm kidding I know it's been awhile I soz

I got a little sidetracked by a phenomenon known as 'season two'. Also 'summer' and 'hey you're almost sixteen you have responsibilities' and stuff like that.

And I probably couldn't've added more Luktra if I tried. I was feeling very very shippish last night so I added a few cute things here and there.

No regrets. None. Don't ever expect anything different.

But hey, we need some fluff despite all the 'DEATH DEATH DESTRUCTION EVERYTHING DIES' theme I've been pulling XD

Also if this chapter is horribly confusing, I'm sorry ._.

Ask me shit and I'll try to clear it up...unless it's something that I purposely glossed over because I didn't want to come up with an explanation for it.


Soren cleared his throat, and began to speak. "I believe that the only real way to start this story is at the beginning. The very beginning. Throughout history, there have been many different variations of 'creation stories', legends of Notch and Herobrine, Steve and Alex, and everything in between. I have no way of knowing if those are true or not, and neither does anyone else in the entire Portal Network. If they are real, they had to have lived centuries before me, and-"

Petra straightened up abruptly. "Knock it off. I don't care how much you like the sound of your own voice, I don't have the patience to listen to your ridiculous dramatizations. You keep up the theatrics, and I start hitting you with my sword. Got it?"

Soren sent her an annoyed glare, but didn't argue. "The world I grew up in was a wonderful place. It greatly resembles this world, which was why I chose to come here when we spilt up. The other Old Builders and I were friends from the beginning. Hadrian was bold and leaderlike, and guided us on many interesting adventures. I know you had your run-in with him and have drawn your own conclusions, but he was very, very different when we were young.

"If I had to choose, I would say that Harper was the 'smart one'. Though in our younger years, we had nearly equal intelligence. She was very practical, and always thought ahead before doing anything. Some of the others found it annoying, but I thought she was very wise. Mevia was brash and confident, and was usually arguing with Hadrian over something-or-other. Flavian was just as bad as her, to be honest. He said that he would be a better leader than Hadrian, though we always knew he didn't mean it. He was 'full of hot air', as Harper used to say, but he didn't mean most of his grandiose statements.

"Cassie and Mevia used to be very close friends. They were rather alike, though Cassie was more into action and adventure while Mevia liked puzzles and crafting. Cassie also got along with everyone else fairly well, though she did have a temper. Otto, Timothy and I were all a little more laid back. As long as we were going on adventures as a team, the three of us were happy."

"What about the two that are after us?" Lukas pried. Soren sighed. "Jacky and Salem. Yes.

"The two of them were always a class of their own. Salem is an enchanter. She has a way with potions, and has the ability to create potions that frankly, shouldn't exist. Like a teleportation potion, or a potion that helps you to locate anyone, no matter how they try to avoid you. She was always more reserved and secretive than the others, which is why I can't possibly understand why she chose Jacky as her partner-in-crime.

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