3~ ♥Dear Rain♥

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            Life, an unfair bitch. She was cruel, torturous and unkind. I hated her. For every time I thought I was fine she decided to show me the ugly truth, I wasn't. Though it had been three weeks since I had last seen or spoken to Avery, he still haunted my mind, still popped up in casual conversations with my father. He was a sickness, one that I couldn't rid myself of.  

    My father entered the library I'd been in. Scanning the room he found me, sitting in an opal lounge chair with my nose between a book. I peaked my head up and smiled at him as he strolled near me. 

"Hi papa." I said yelled cheerfully over my book.

"Ah, there you are my love. I've been looking around the house for you. Didn't cross my mind to look here, though it should of. This was always you and your mothers favorite room in the house." He sighed as a sad look drew across his face, a pained look twinkled in his eyes. "Anyways, Avery has called again, he's asking about your wellness. Maybe it's time to speak to him yourself dear, I don't wish to be intertwined in this mess any longer." He said as he walked over and kissed my forehead.

       I took a moment to examine my father's features as he stepped back from me. People might've seen him as an intimidating man, but I just seen him as my father. He was rather tall, standing at about six foot three, towering over the average man and women. Large and puffy looking, his rounded belly had always reminded me of Santa Clause, his thick bushy eyebrows invariably twisted in a frown and narrow golden brown eyes regularly appearing dull. His bountiful face and thin lips perpetually wore a grimace. His once perfectly honey stained complexion was now souring and sagging from old age. Yes, the world viewed him as the intimidating Mr. Gorden L. Romee. As for me, he was my father, a giant plush teddy bear, festive and loving. 

    Waking from my thoughts, I smiled at my father and simply nodded. I knew how the conversation would end if I chose to differ from his opinion. 

"You promise to give him a call soon Rael?" His voice low and perceptive.

"Yes papa, I promise." I answered. Shutting my book and lifting from the opal lounge chair. "I'm going out, I need to think." Before I was able to make my exit from the room, my father pulled me into a warm loving hug. 

"I love you Asrael, be safe and don't think too much." When he released me from our hug, I stood on my tip-toes and kissed his cheek. "I won't papa."


      The clouds were dark, making it seem as though it was later than it actually was. Soft drizzles of rain licked my face as I made my walk to my favorite thinking place, Chihuly Garden and Glass. Seattle was known for it's beauty for many things, but to me, Chihuly Garden and Glass was one of the better places. Magnificent glass sculptures and art works surrounded the interior of the building, captivating your attention the very moment you entered the establishment. The first time being there Avery had accompanied me. We were joined by his cheerful grandmother. We spent the whole day exploring the breathtaking building, examining every piece of art that inhabited the museum, only stopping when the establishment closed. Once I discovered it I made sure to consistently make time in my schedule to enjoy the immaculate art. Clearing my mind of everything going wrong in my depressing life. Chihuly was a blissful heaven.

    Reaching my destination in just a short time, I contemplated buying a ticket and going inside, quickly I decided against it and enjoyed the view outside. The exterior was just as marvelously beautiful as the interior. Choosing a nice and comfortable place to sit, with an awning to keep the bench and myself dry from the drizzling rain. Placing my legs and feet on the bench, I pulled my sketch pad and sketch tools from my bag and began to draw. 

   I lost track of time, my mind cleared of stress and my body reaching a relaxed state. Quickly I pulled my sleeve up and checked my watch for the time. Ten o'clock at night, had I really been here two hours? Two hours of sketching and thinking. And yet I still had no solution to my broken heart and withered dreams. A sigh of agitation left my lips as I thought about my initial reasoning for being here. After a little while had passed and my sketch had been finished I checked my watch once more before deciding it was best to return home. Upon packing up my bag I heard my phone chime, altering me of a notification. I pulled my phone from my back pocket deciding it be best to check it, in case it was my father asking me to pick something up before arriving home. My face sneered when I read the text. 


>Asrael, talk to me... I'm sorry for my actions. Come home, we need to talk.

My fingers pressed the screen hard, and hurriedly to respond. Hmhp, is this a joke I laughed as I pressed send.

>We've talked enough. Please stop trying to contact me. Goodbye Avery.

     With that I turned my phone off and slid it back into my pocket. It was best to ignore him, at least until I was strong enough to face him again. He was the crazy one if he thought I would come running back. No, not this time, this time I was determined to keep my distance and not go running back into my destroyers arms. Throwing my hood over my head I started walking.

     On my way walking home, I declared how stupid it was of me to walk. Instead of light drizzling, like the walk here, it was down pouring and I was the dummy caught in it. "Yes, nature please make my life more dreadful." I hollered at the sky as I flung my head back in defeat. So what did nature do, she answered my calling. Headlights slowly crept to the side of me, closer to the sidewalk than they ought to be.

    With my heart drumming in my chest I picked up my pace, I looked as though I was power walking. In my peripheral I seen the headlights were still right beside me. Oh, I can't get kidnapped. Please don't let me get kidnapped. Or worse, oh God please don't let me be killed. In a panic I turned around, my heart dropped to my stomach. Drumming in anticipation as I waited to see who it might be..


A Scared Girl


Hello beautiful people :). I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. What do you think about the cliffhanger? Who do you think she has just seen? Comment and let me know, I'd love to hear your thoughts :). This chapter may not be as interesting but to me it was perfect, I hope you all feel the same. Vote and comment it'd make me happy to hear your feedback. Peace and love!

;* ♥

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