10~ ♥Dear Help♥

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A scream formed in my throat as my mouth gaped open in awe. Before my brain could process to scream, a strong hand captured my mouth and I was gently pushed backwards into my room. The door shut with a loud thud, causing me to jump in my captors hold. Fear crept through my body and panic started to slither up my spine. Our bodies pressed so closely together I could feel his heat transmitting onto my exposed flesh. My body frozen in his grasp.

"I am going to release you now, do not scream or try anything funny. Security is aware of my presence and has been alerted to ignore anything pertaining to me. Okay?" My eyes widened as my heart hitched at his words. I peered deeply into the eyes of my captor before I gradually nodded my head in agreement. A sly smirk plastered on his face as he cautiously released me from his hold. Quickly I stepped back, not wishing to be any closer to him than need be. 

"Asrael." The blue eyed devil spoke.

"Avery." I said dryly. "How did you know where to find me?"

"Your father." Avery said in a calm tone. My eyebrows raised in surprise and I looked at his expression, trying to decide if I should believe the words he spoke. 

"My father? But why?"

"Mr. Romee called me a few days back, telling me about the argument you two had. He was worried and wanted me to contact you, but I thought it'd be best if I came to see you. He tried to convince me to just call, but that wasn't good enough. So he risked upsetting you further with him and told me where you'd be." He said matter of factually. 

"My father would do no such thing." The hurt evident in my voice. 

"He would if he was desperate and couldn't get his only child to speak to him." Avery said as he lifted his eyebrow in question at me. "Let's talk Rael, you've avoided me long enough." 

I shook my head and stepped back further as he moved closer. "Avery, there is nothing and I mean NOTHING to talk about. I haven't avoided you, I am just done with you." His eyes looked glossy, and I could tell the words I spoke pained him. Suddenly he strolled toward me in large steps, too quickly for me to avert his touch. He placed his hands on my shoulders, his stare so intense it was burning holes into me. "Avery.." A plea so low I was sure he couldn't hear and I wasn't sure that I wanted him to. 

"Say it again." He said as he lowered his head to rest gently on my right shoulder. "Say it again Rael. Please? I need to hear it." I was confused to what was happening. Here he stood in front of me, bowing his head to rest on my shoulder, and pleading for me to, to yell at him again? "Say my name princess, say it again." I heard his voice interrupt my thoughts. He hadn't wanted me yell at him, he wanted me to say his name.... "Avery." I whispered. 

"I've missed you princess." His eyes pouring into mine, I could see the pain, the hurt that troubled him and unlike before I didn't avert my gaze instead I stared into the clear blue orbs in front of me, absorbing the passion, the infliction. I lifted my hand up hesitantly, holding it inches away from his face before delicately caressing his hollow cheek. A small smiled tugged at the corner of his lips, as his eyes filled with water. "Princess."  I smiled happily, finally noticing what he called me, princess, it was the name he'd given me at the very start of our relationship. And it has been much too long since I last heard it.

A knock interrupted the moment Avery and I were sharing. Then I remembered who it was, Castiel. I looked at Avery with worry before shaking myself loose from his hold. "Avery will you go wait in my bedroom? It's the second door on the right." I said quickly, he gave me a puzzled look before nodding and walking off. Thank goodness for my father's design of his hotel. All suites had a living room, kitchen, dining area, bedroom, and washroom. He wanted it to resemble a small apartment or house for men and women who would be staying for awhile. Some suites offered more like mine, which also had a small office and spare bedroom. 

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