7~ ♥Dear Decisions♥

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     *REVISED~*This chapter has changed a bit, Hope you all enjoy it :)*

      The day was gloomy, soft trickles of rain fell upon my damped hair as I made my way into the phone store. A small bell chimed as I opened the entrance doors and I man suddenly appeared to greet. 

"Hello miss. How may I help you today?" The round, elderly man, who I assumed was an employee, greeted.  I smiled toward him while wiping my heels on the welcome at.

"I was hoping to buy a new phone today."

"Ahh, yes. Is there any particular phone you had in mind miss?"

"The iPhone 7plus please?

"I can help you with that, right this way ma'am." The gentleman beamed as he ushered me to follow him. "We offer that phone in various colors." He pointed towards the displays in the case. I looked them over for a little before deciding on the matte black one. 

"That'll be $879.00, will you be paying with cash or card miss?" He spoke warmly.

"Cash please." I said as I slid the money to him. 

      He quickly set up the phone and provided me with a new number. Explaining all the functions of the phone before handing it over to me.

"Now is there anything else at all that I can help assist you with today miss?" I shook my head before thanking him and walking out back into the now pouring rain.  Quickly I hurried into my car and dialed my father's number. 

"Mr. Gorden L. Romee, may I ask who is calling?" Papa declared. I smiled through the phone.

"Papa, it's me. Asrael. I got a new number and phone. I thought to call you before I caused you to panic when you couldn't reach me." I laughed.

"Rael, my angel. Thank you for calling, I would've hated to worry and have to send my assistant, Darcy, over to check on you."

"No problem papa. When does your flight leave?"

"I'm about to board the plane in a short while around two. So I'll arrive home at about six thirty, or seven."

"Okay I'll see you then papa. Love you, safe travels." I chimed.

"Before you go angel. What made you get a new phone and number?" Papa questioned, I knew he would be curious as to why I got a new one suddenly.

"I threw mine from my window last night. The new number is just so certain people don't have it. That's all papa." I said nonchalantly. 

There was a pause before I heard him again. I honestly thought the line disconnected or he hung up by accident. "Angel, are you sure you didn't get a new number so only ONE certain person wouldn't have it." An audible sigh left my lips smoothly and he choose to drop the subject and end the call instead of waiting for a reply. "I'll see you soon angel, love you." We hung up after that.


         Anxiety, nerves and eagerness settled in my stomach, creeping up to the back of my throat and causing my hands to start sweating profusely. To say I was nervous was an understatement. In just another thirty minutes papa would walk through the door and we'd be discussing the plans of my future. Yesterday I found myself reminiscing about my mother, and all her decisions. Maybe she wouldn't have been so miserable if she would've followed her dreams, maybe she'd still be here. That's why I wanted to leave, I didn't want to be like my mother. I didn't want to be accustomed to only one city. No, I wanted to venture out, see the world with my own two eyes. I wanted to be happy and free. But most of all I wanted to be free of the pain and past that this city has caused me. I wanted to be free from Avery. The hardest part about leaving would be saying goodbye to my papa. Seattle wasn't big enough, a different state wasn't good enough. But was a different Country too drastic? As I envisioned my thoughts, lining them out in my brain I heard the front door unlock and open. Papa was home.

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