4~ ♥Dear Sleepless♥

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         My adrenaline was sky rocketing, heart beating so fast and hard I could feel it in my ears as I waited for the car to come to an agonizingly slow stop. All thoughts abruptly came to an end as the driver's side window slide down. This was it, I was getting abducted, something in my bones just knew it. I shouldn't have walked.. Just as I was about to start screaming for help the driver's head popped out the window. Showing nothing more than an elderly woman, appearing to be in her late seventies. Even in my panicked state I took note of the thick, black rimmed bifocals hanging lowly on her face and a very hideous floral head scarf. 

"Deary are you alright? Are you hurt or lost, why are you walking this late at night whilst it's raining?" Her voice cracked. I sure did have one over exaggerant imagination to think she could possibly be the cause of my death. Snapping back from my thoughts I called back to her. "No miss, I'm fine thank you. My house is only a few more blocks from here." Flashing a smile to reassure her and attempting to turn on my heels to start walking, she stopped me. "Oh dear, it's no trouble at all. Let me give you a ride. It isn't safe in this weather." She insisted. "No, really I'm fine." "But I insist, you could get pneumonia out here." She continued. I politely shook my head no in response. "Dear get in the car, it isn't safe." The elderly woman demanded.  Now I was agitated, I had already told her no, why did she find it necessary to keep insisting I get in her car. 

     Just then my anxiety hiked, making me suspect she really was dangerous. What if she really was trying to abduct me, or worse. What if this was a set up? What if this woman knew Avery and was trying to take me back to him. My mind raced and I could no longer tell if my hands were wet from the rain or the sweat my body was producing. I didn't bother to respond again, I was too convinced she was a threat, instead I turned around and started running down the sidewalk. It wasn't safe for me, that was one thing her and I could both agree on. 

      I peered over my shoulder every so often, making sure she wasn't anywhere in sight. I didn't want some strange woman following me and seeing where I lived. Who knows what she was capable of.  I'd been running for five minutes or so, until I was convinced I was safe. Looking over my shoulder one last time to make sure she was no where in sight, I adjusted my pace to a power walk. 

     I arrived home a short time after, saturated from head to toe in nothing but sweat and rain. My papa greeted me, letting me know just what a mess I was. "You're home.... and wet. Try to make sure not to stain the carpets. I'm turning in for the night. I have a business in Chicago and will need to leave very early tomorrow morning. I will be gone for a week or so." He paused and leaned in before stepping back to continue. "I imagine you won't be up before I leave so, I love you Rael. I was going to give you a hug but I'd rather not get drenched." He chuckled. I gave him a sarcastic smile in return and told him I loved him and to be safe. Before he made his final exit he turned around to face me again. "Rael please have everything sorted out with Avery before I return. You two will need to talk eventually and you did promise to call him." With that he left me. 

     I decided it was best to rid myself of my wet clothes and shower. Adjusting the water temperature to a setting I liked, I watched as steam encased the room before hopping in. The water cascaded down my body, washing away the filth of the rain and the stress clogging my mind. Showers always had a way of relaxing me, pulling me down from whatever cloud depression had put me on. A soft sigh escaped as a single tear made it's way down my cheek. Quickly washing my body and hair I turned off the water and stepped out the shower. Wrapping a towel around myself I went over to the full body mirror that stood in my bathroom. 

    I grabbed my brush and ran it gently through my wavy, waist length jet black hair. Pulling loose strands along the way. I observed the way it fell to my round buttocks and framed my diamond shaped face. I tried to give myself a smile but failed miserably. Taking note of the dark circles and bags that formed under my emerald eyes. They once held brightness in them, but that has long disappeared. I glanced over my prominent brows, that displayed a perfectly angled arch. My almond shaped eyes and thick long lashes only made my overall look more exotic and bold. The water that still graced my face made my heavenly honey complexion glisten and sparkle. A lonely drop hung at the tip of my small, petite nose, and when it finally fell, it landed amongst my natural salmon colored full, pouty lips. Slowly I brought my hand up, letting my fingers linger ever so gently across my sunken cheeks and wide, apple shaped cheekbones. I shivered from a sudden gust of wind before deciding it best to dry off. Before I got dressed I glimpsed at my short five foot nothing frame, sneering at my perky small breast. I was small for my age, my stature making me appear no older than an adolescent teen. The only thing that made people believe I was older than an eleven year old girl, was my curvy figure. A slim waist line, flat stomach, wide hips and thick thighs, made it undeniably apparent I was a WOMAN. And if someone still couldn't register I was grown, my round, naturally plump backside was there to convince them otherwise. Finally I stopped examining myself and got dressed in my nightwear. A comfy champagne colored loose shirt, that hung about two inches from my knees. It didn't offer much coverage, but it did hide my goodies, which was enough for me. 

     I cleaned my bathroom, and brushed my teeth quickly. Then I put my dirty clothes into my hamper and headed out to my bedroom. I crept into my soft pillow top mattress, and pulled my comfy minky blanket over my body. I snuggled deeply into my pillow, grabbing the stuff animal I'd slept with since I was little before battling to go to sleep.

    Sleep never came to me that night. Instead I was plagued with overwhelming sadness. Avery. For he was constantly the cause of my many sleepless nights. Even when I hated him, he haunted me. Well, I tried to hate him. But how could you hate the person you'd planned to spend your life with? How, if someone had some magical remedy, I needed it. My thirst to hate him could never be quenched without it. Sometimes I found it quite humorous how I thought it would be an easy task to remove him from my mind. See I discovered you could take a person out of your life but that didn't mean you could stop your brain from thinking about them, or replaying the memories you once shared. And you damn sure couldn't persuade your heart that you no longer loved or cared for the very person that it once beat for. So instead of sleeping I did the one thing my heart so desperately pleaded with me to do. 

I dialed Avery's number.

     I'd sat there staring at the number dialed on my iPhone for thirty minutes debating on if I should call. I knew he would answer and maybe that's what I was so afraid of. What would happen when he did answer and beg me to come home and instead of declining, would I slip on my shoes and coat to run right back into his lean muscular arms. Those arms, they were my home, my blanket of serenity. When he held me, I always crumbled, lingering in his presences. For he was as poisonous as a venomous snake, but he was mine. And right now I was craving nothing more than his fangs to sink into my skin and travel into my blood stream. God, I needed it. I licked my lips and then bit down on my bottom lip. Anticipation crept up my neck, knowing I'd regret what I was about to do...

"Hello?" The sound of his deep rough sleepy voice was enough to make the blood rush to my head. Somehow I'd lost the power to speak, my voice traveled to an unknown place, so I sat there silent. 

"Asrael?" There was a pause, I was about to hang up realizing I wasn't strong enough to do this until I heard what sounded like pleading. "Baby, I know you're there. Just talk to me..." Taking in a deep breathe, fidgeting in my bed. He spoke again before I could answer. "Please, please.." It sounded as if he was crying. Clearing my throat I finally answered him. 

"You said you wanted to talk, what about?"I tried to sound as calm and collected as I possibly could. "Come home baby, stop this foolishness. I promise to try harder, to change, to make you happy. All you have to do is come home to me baby. Please." His voice breaking as he spoke.. My heart stopped. I didn't know if this was my worst nightmare or best dream coming true when I heard those words. But I did know one thing.....


A Desperate Girl


Hello beautiful people. How did you guys enjoy this chapter. So another cliffhanger, but not a big one. Just didn't want to continue on and began rambling. Anywho leave feedback, vote and comment. Is there anything you don't like about the story so far? Anything you think I should change or add to? Let me know. Sorry about the long description of Asrael, I just needed to get it out there. By the way I'm unsure when I'll mention it so I'll say it now.  

Asrael Romee: Age 23 Years Old 

Avery Valiente: Age 27 years old

;* ♥

Word Count: 1,766

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