Part 4: Siege

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"Should we take this inside?" I asked as I rose to full height and stepped toward Tatiana. I watched her take a step back as I got in arm's reach of her, and took her bags. Her eyes, even when fearful, were still dark as coffee and bright at the moment with unshed tears...still beautiful...

I became angry with myself. This woman left me while carrying my child! I shook my head at her for more reasons than I could count, and led the way.

"Come on, Rei." Tatiana's voice was shaky.

"Is he here for a visit?" Reina asked.

"That and more," I threw over my shoulder.

Reina and Tatiana gasped. "More?"

"Much, much more." I said. I saw Ken fall in step with me. "Sweetie, this is Ken. You can call him Uncle Kenny, okay?"

"Hi, Uncle Kenny!" Reina sang.

Ken gave a small smile, "Hey kiddo."

I opened the gate and went through the gangway to the backyard. I went up the staircase to the door. I watched Tatiana come up the steps, eyes downcast. She couldn't look at me. She pulled out her keys with shaking hands. "Here, allow me." I took the keys from her and unlocked the door. I pushed the door open. "After you."

She made eye contact with me, her eyes brimming with tears and pleading silently. I just looked at her. Nothing could save her, not from me. I had a plan and she was going to follow through.

I finally stepped inside, and was grudgingly impressed. To the right was a kitchenette was small and L-shaped, with some of the smallest appliances I'd ever seen, but they had everything. They also had a small round table and three chairs. Next to that was a living room area, which had a sofabed, a child-sized recliner, and a small wall unit that held a TV, a sound bar, and a phone charging deck. I walked closer and saw there was a laptop on top of a printer, too. "Every amenity--" I made eye contact with her. "but low grade." I watched her swallow hard and frown, and then saw Ken enter. He looked around, and shrugged. He went to the kitchen area and sat at the table, not sure what to do.

"How long are you staying?" Reina asked. She was the only one absolutely overjoyed.

"As long as it takes, little one," I answered with a smile.

"You wanna see my room?"


She took my hand and led me from the kitchen/living room area, past the bathroom, and to two doors. She took me through the one on the right. "See?"

I stepped in. The furniture was pink plastic with princess sheets. She had a toy box at the foot of her bed that held books in the headboard. She had a small kitchenette set, two chairs and a table, as well as a play rug on the floor. "You like pink?"

She wrinkled her nose. "Yeah, but I want to have a fairy room!"

"Like Tinkerbelle?"

"Yeah!" She ran to her toy box and pulled out fairy wings. "Mommy says she might get me a fairy room since I'm going to kinnergarden."

I couldn't help but smile at the way she said kindergarten. It was adorable. I watched her put the fairy wings away, and scamper to her kitchenette. She pulled out a teapot and two cups and set them on the table.

"Wanna have tea?"

"Don't you want to take off your coat?" I asked her. I started helping her take it off.

"I forgot!" She giggled.

When I did, I saw her birthmark. I gently held her arm to get a closer look at it.

"Can I see yours?"

I rolled up my shirt sleeve and showed it to her.

Her eyes went wide. "Wow." She clapped her hands. "Wanna have tea? We can have tea."

"Maybe a little later," I got down on one knee. "Let me talk to your mom, okay?" Before she could respond, I turned and looked out the door. "Ken?"

Ken got up. "Yeah."

"Why don't you--have tea--with Reina?"

"Uh...sure." Ken stepped in, and raised his eyebrows. "Cool room, Reina."

"Mommy and me did it."

"You two did a great job."

"Be right back, okay?" I told them.

Ken nodded in understanding, and so did Reina.

I rose and went to the kitchen to find Tatiana still standing exactly where I left her. She hadn't taken off her coat, either. I gave her a look, and she cringed. She looked so vulnerable. She didn't look like she had some design or plan. She was completely caught off guard. I sat at the kitchen table. "Have a seat."

Tatiana slowly sat across from me, eyes downcast. She took a deep breath, and began softly, "How did you--why--"

I glared at her, and the words died in her mouth. I pulled out my phone and played the video. I watched her eyes well up again. "You knew nothing about this, did you?"

She closed her eyes briefly and shook her head. A couple of tears fell. "I...I didn't. I know who did it though. I know the boy's voice."

"Hmm." I sat back in the chair, putting the phone away. "She's mine, isn't she?"

She took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. "Yes."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

She didn't answer.

I wanted to yell, but with our daughter not far away, that wasn't a good idea. "Do you have any idea how bad this is?" I watched her shake her head. "I had to bribe the family who put this up to take it down. The press is trying to find this video as we speak!"

"I told you, I didn't know!" Suddenly her breath caught. "Is that all you care about?"

"Were you ever going to tell me about her?"

"I wanted to tell you, but then you made it, and once you married...her...I...I just didn't know how."

"How about, 'you're a daddy, Nik?'" I leaned forward. "How about a call, a text--something!" I was starting to boil. "And I've been divorced for two years, thank you. Have you?"


"Been married?"

Her eyes got huge as if she was outraged. "No."

"Well, that's about to change."


"Dome of the Demigods is about to land a television contract on the Channel Fantasci-fi." I told her. "We've worked really hard to get this deal, and we don't want any problems." I watched her anger spark.

"So your daughter is damage control?"

"No, don't you dare!" I waved an accusing finger at her. "Don't you twist this. My daughter is not, nor ever will be, damage control." I stood and leaned over the small table. "Your keeping me from her is...and that will never...happen...again." Our eyes locked, and I revealed my plan. "We are flying to Vegas and getting married."

Her eyes went wide. "What?"

I repeated slowly, "We are flying to Las Vegas and getting married."

She rose from her chair. "No!"

I chuckled. "No?"

"You don't love me!"

I was taken aback by that. I saw that look before...the day she left me. There was a pain in her eyes that made me want to reach out to her. Just then I heard Reina's laughter in the other room and remembered why things were the way they were. "We are getting married, Tatiana, or else--"

"Or else what?"

"I'll take my daughter."

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