Part 22: Show and Tell

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"Good morning," I said with a smile as I looked at the school children. "I am Niklaus Thorson, Reina's father. I am an actor and performer. An actor is someone who pretends to be someone else to help tell a story--"

"What story?" a child asked.

"There are many kinds," I answered. "I play a demigod, or a superhuman. I pretend to have great power and abilities and I train those who don't in the dome."

"Mortals, Daddy!"

"Well, that's what they are called in the show, yes, sweetheart," I chuckled at her. "Because of the role or character I play, I do a lot of staged fighting."

"Staged fighting?"

"What's that?"

"That's fake, right?"

Here we go, I thought. "Staged fighting means that we practice the fight before you see it. In fact, in order to do what we do, we have to go to school and learn about weapons and hand to hand combat. We don't hurt each other--" I rolled my eyes. "or we try not to, because it's a show. We're telling a story."

"Can we see?"

I looked at Reina, who shrugged. She warned me about this, or did she tell the kids to ask? She told me to bring my staff, and I wondered why. "I might need a little room, here--" The kids all moved back excitedly. "Ms. Wallace, is it alright if I move your desk?"

"Sure, just move it back when you're done."

"No problem," I smiled. "Thanks." I pushed the desk with ease, and the kids oohed and aahed. Even Ms. Wallace had a reaction to that?!

"You're strong!" a child said excitedly.

"Well, even in staged fighting, you have to be strong," I said, looking for my staff. Ms. Wallace brought it from the back of the room. "Thank you." I gave her a short bow, and she giggled at that, making the children laugh a little too. First I talked about safety, and how I was trained to do what I was about to do. It was a basic don't try this at home speech. After that, I did a quick demonstration of stance, defense, and some twirling. They were pretty easy to please.

"Can Reina fly?" a boy asked. "Can you fly?"

Reina rolled her eyes. "I told you that's pretend, Alex!"

"Not like a bird or on my own, but with harnesses and things to lift us, we can look like we are."

The questions went on and on. I was just happy they asked what classes I took to do what I do. They were happy to hear about fencing, self-defense, martial arts, archery, and what not. Some of them actually watched the show or had parents who did, and tried to get me to tell what would happen next. Reina sat smiling, with one finger over her lips and pointed at me, our sign of secrecy.


(Evan and Thorson are walking the halls of the dome toward the arena.)

Evan: Father is very upset, Thorson

Thorson: He's been upset before.

Evan: Not like this. He is questioning other demigods about the prison break. No one knows anything, of course.

Thorson: (stops walking) Elizabeth?

Evan: With him now.

Thorson: (Changes direction) Let's go.

(Evan and Thorson head to the throne room. When they enter, they see Elizabeth crying with a warrior standing over her, and Godin sitting on his throne.)

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