Part 12: Meeting of the Minds

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I took my time walking onto the park premises, heading for the private entrance. In a t-shirt and glasses, I could be mistaken for any guy...except for the long blonde hair.


"Oh, my God!"

I turned my head in the direction of the female voices and smirked.

"We love you!"

I gave a wave, but kept moving.  They were pretty far off, so I knew I would make it before they could reach me. Usually, I'd slow down, let them catch me, but today was one of the days I wanted to be on time.

As I moved through the entrance, I was greeted by staff.

"Hello, Mr. Thorson."

"Hey, Glynn--"

"Mr. Montgomery is waiting for you in the conference room."

I took a deep breath and mustered a small smile. "Thanks."  I entered the long hall, saying hellos to staff and the cast members, who all had a look on their faces like I was walking the green mile. Some nodded, some stared as I moved by them. It can't be that bad, I hoped.

I walked into the conference room, and I wasn't surprised at who I saw: Eli, Evan, Elizabeth and Nina.

"Hello." I said.

"Close the door, please." Eli said.

I closed it and stayed standing.

"Won't you sit down?" Elizabeth offered.

"I feel like I'm standing trial here," I shrugged, and shook my head in reply.

"This is about what we were going to do over the next couple of months for Demigods." Eli said. He was quiet for a moment. "You've put me in a tough position, Nik, a tough one."


"You got married, and you have a kid."

I took off my sunglasses so he could see my face. "One, I didn't know about Reina, and two, I know I'm doing what is right for me, right for Tatiana, and right for my daughter."

There was silence again.

"But we had plans--"

"Plans you didn't tell me about," I snapped. "Seems to be your method of operation."

Eli and I locked gazes. I could tell that wasn't going to be addressed today, but at some point, it would be.

"The point of this meeting is to figure out what we are going to do now," Elizabeth exhaled heavily. "That is what we need to figure out."

"The first time we were together," Nina said softly. "We were popular and the ones to watch. We were a power couple." Her face softened, her blue eyes glistening, and I could tell she was talking more about our marriage than the show. "The public loved Delilah and Thorson and they loved Nik and Nina-together. We were the dominant demigod duo."

I recognized that accolade from our website. "That time is done, I think," I said. "There has to be another way."

"You need to lose in the dome."

"What?!" I narrowed my eyes at him, frowning. "I have never lost in the dome!"

"Maybe it's time you did." Eli said coldly.

"I am Thorson. I control the skies," I said. "Who?"

"We've got a few ideas."

"You do?" Elizabeth asked. This was clearly news to her. Evan's eyes went to his hand, which was lightly drumming on the table.

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