Part 25: Trial

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(The setting is an oval meeting hall. One side of the arc is full of demigods, the sides full of warriors and spectators of the dome, and Thorson at center.)

Godin: The cause of this gathering is to discuss Thorson's actions of late.

Delilah: They sound like charges, Godin.

Godin: In a way they are. We are faced with a situation that could end the pure blood of the demigods, and empower mortals. We are faced with our future. (Demigods and warriors begin to talk amongst themselves.) Order!

Thorson: I've done nothing I regret.

Godin: Is it true that you entered a romantic relationship with a mortal?

Thorson: Yes. (Demigods and warriors begin to talk again, and he raises his voice.) Is it true that you sent firebolts on an entire village to try to kill her?

Godin: Acts of demigods happen everyday.

Thorson: The only thing that protected her was my offspring which was growing inside her. Isn't that true? (Once again, reactions erupt from everywhere)


Thorson: NO! No silence. If you think you're going to try to tell partial truths-lies-and I will just stand here and let you, you are wrong.

Godin: I will not allow my son to speak to me that way!

Thorson: I am son of Himmel, so I guess you'll have to endure it. (Again reactions erupt.)

Godin: Are you challenging me to rule over the dome? (All fall silent.)

Thorson: No. I am challenging your ungiven right to make choices about my life. I chose a mortal. I have a child with her. You will respect that choice. I do not wish to cause my mother tears and with the exception of what has happened of late, I do respect what you have taught and done for me, Godin. I do not wish to tear my family asunder.

Elizabeth: Family?

Thorson: We have the same mother, Elizabeth, not the same father. You are my sister, as Evan is my brother, and I love you both. Nothing changes that, just as nothing changes my love for Thea and Rei. That is what I fight for.

Godin: You fight to change the dome! (Some demigods agree, while others disagree. Mortals begin to argue amongst themselves.)

Thorson: I do not. I--

Godin: Thorson should be exiled from the dome, to preserve our ways!

Elizabeth: Father, I disagree.

Godin: (angrily) You would, Elizabeth, heart in your hands!

Elizabeth: It should have been given to someone! To...Gabriel! (gasps sound from the crowd as a whole.) You knew about us, you knew!

Thorson: (surprised) You were in  love with a mortal warrior?

Elizabeth: -And you took him away from me! I'll never forgive you for that, never! (Godin is speechless.) That's why I helped Thorson. He knows, Father...he knows everything! (screeches) If anyone tore the dome-our home-asunder, IT'S YOU! (Evan rushes to her side, tearful. She turns to him.) I don't care what happens, Evan, I don't. He has been controlling us all, and it's not right. We're demigods, not mortals, and mortals even have heart and will, in some cases better than some of us! (Evan pulls her into his arms to comfort her.)

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