Part 15: Closer

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Godin sits in his throne room, waving off servants and barking orders as Thorson and Evan enter the room. Both brothers bow at the foot of the throne.

Thorson: Father, I-- (Thorson falters, but then goes on.)  Father, I need to talk to you.

Godin: What about?

Thorson: The voices and visions of late. Evan and Elizabeth hear whispers, and they are loud in my head. Surely you have heard them too. What--

Godin: They are of no consequence.

Thorson: How can they be of no consequence if we hear them?

Godin: There are just some things you do not understand--

Thorson: But you do. What is it you are not telling me?

Godin: (Becomes angry) Nothing.  And I do not wish to speak of this any further. In time, she will fade, as all do.

Thorson: She?

Godin: (Firmly) This subject is closed. (Softens his voice) Trust in my counsel.

(Thorson and Evan bowe and leavethe throne room.)

Thorson: (whispers to Evan) We are going.

Evan: Thorson--(stops talking as a servant walks by) Thorson, I don't know--

Thorson: The voice says they need me. Who are they? And why do I really only hear one voice?

Evan: Only demigods communicate this way. And this voice, it's young.

Thorson: We are going to see Mida. I see no other way but to visit one who sees all, brother. Will you come with me?

Evan: (shakes his head) I hate going against Father--

Thorson: We are not going against Father. He does not wish to speak of this anymore, and we are respecting that. We simply seek one who will.

Reluctantly, Evan agrees.


I was pretty happy with the show of late.

Fans were buzzing online and I was getting recognized more often as a hero even though I had entered my first losing streak due to Reina's distractions.  I never thought something like that could happen, but with Evan at the helm of this whole tale spin, people were waiting to see the family reunite on the air, to see the dome become right again, or at least try to. 

I was happy to find that Eli was splitting the shows up. With a show to tape, he wanted to be sure that the main cast got sufficient rest. We were only doing a couple of shows a day. The early morning show was an equestrian show, complete with pony rides around the arena and grounds along with some knighthood classes for anyone interested. The afternoon show was a light run through before the taping, where regular people who took the earlier classes participated. The evening show was the actual taping, and was usually pretty full these days. There was always plenty of footage for editing, but I had come to realize that the end product was really something. I worked harder to make it all count.

My nights ended roughly about nine, nine thirty. I usually got home just in time to kiss Reina good night before she went into a deep sleep. I missed reading to her. At least I got to on Sundays.

I drove home, knowing that Tatiana would be waiting for me. She always did, even if there was going to be an after production meeting. Those happened sometimes. It was mostly Eli objecting to everything, Evan having ideas I liked, and Elizabeth playing peacemaker while Nina tried to push her own agenda. I was just trying to figure out what the fans might like, or what might raise ratings.

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