Chapter Ten

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They didn't talk about it. It being the kiss of course.

Kisses , Kara thought grumpily as she plopped down into a seat and dug into her breakfast. It wasn't as if Kara didn't want to , it was just that every time she had the nerve to do it something or someone interrupted her. Break was already over and although Kara and Lena spent almost every day together helping Kara practice quidditch, they somehow stayed silent on their developing relationship.

"What are you pouting about." Alex sighed, fixating Kara with a curious look. "And why are you wearing a Slytherin scarf."

Kara's hands flew to the scarf around her neck. Putting it on had just become habit. "I- It- It was a gift-"

Winn choked on his orange juice. "Is Lena Luthor wearing a Hufflepuff scarf? " Alex spun around to look over at the Slytherin table.

Kara sunk down in her seat. She used the scarf to cover her burning cheeks. She winced when Alex turned back to throw an intense glare at Kara.

"What did you do." She hissed menacingly, pointing a finger at Kara.

Kara grimaced at Alex's tone. She glanced at Winn who was staring at the two sisters wide eyed. "I, well- um-"

"Spit it out."

"I hung out with Lena? All break? And we traded scarfs-" Kara mumbled and then lowered her voice. "I need to talk to you later, Alex." She shot a glance at Winn. "Alone."

"Hey!" Winn frowned. Kara ignored him and looked at Alex pleadingly.

"Oh, you better believe it." Alex said shaking her head. "We've got a lot to talk about." She narrowed her eyes at Kara and continued to even when James sat down next to her.

He looked between the two sisters, feeling the tension and sighed, "What'd I miss."

"Oh, nothing." Kara laughed nervously. "Just Alex disapproving of everything I do again."

"Ah." James looked at Alex who was still glaring at Kara. He nudged her. "Take it easy, Danvers, we've got Henshaw's class in twenty minutes. Don't want you picking a fight with Maggie Sawyer again because you're grumpy." He laughed.

Alex quickly turned her head to glare at him. "I told you to never bring that up again!"

"Maggie Sawyer?" Kara slowly grinned. "You mean that cute Slytherin girl you're always glaring at?"

"That probably doesn't mean anything, Kara. She glares at everyone-" Winn squeaked when Alex focused her glare at him.

"I can kill you, Schott. Without a wand. Without magic. No one would even know." Alex leaned over the table to whisper at him. James grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back.

"Don't scare him." He raised his eyebrows at Alex who slumped her shoulders.

Winn raised his hand and pointed to himself. "Me? Yeah? Already scared, thanks. Ready to pee my pants."

"Don't make me punch you-"

"Alex." James said firmly, getting up and pulling Alex with him. "Let's get you to class."

Kara smiled and waved at their retreating forms. She cupped her hands around her mouth. "Don't be too mean to Maggie!" She semi-yelled, laughing when she saw Alex struggle against James's grip and heard her responding growl.

"Why does she hate me some much." Winn whispered, staring down at his food. He looked up at Kara with pleading eyes. " Why ."

"Oh, Winn, Alex doesn't hate you. You're just- well, you're kind of an easy target?" Kara wrinkled her nose a bit. Winn dropped his head on the table, narrowly missing his plate of eggs.

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