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●Hailey pov●
I put on my combat boots and my camouflage jacket. I was going out today to see my childhood friend, Andy Biersack.

Andy and I had many things in common. We  were into the same music, we even had the same beliefs.

We were both Satanist's, born into a catholic family. We worshipped the devil and everything about him.

We never told our parents, well at least I didn't. My mom would have kicked me out of the house. But I have gotten used to pretend praying, throwing out my rosaries, and dumping holy water.

Oh yea, I ditch church too.

"Hailey." Andy gave me a nod. "Biersack. What have you been up to lately?" I said fondling with my lip ring. "Eh, you know the usual. Making music, all that woohoo."

Andy was part of a band called Blackveilbrides. I love their music as well.

"Dyed your hair again, I see?" He said holding the ends of my hair. "Yep." I look at my purple pastel color.

"My mom saw my tattoo." I sighed.

I got a tattoo with Andy of a pentagram. "How did she react?" He said looking into my eyes with deep worry. "She burned me- with the hot chains." I said, turning around to reveal the back of my neck, covered in chain marks.  "That's not a very catholic thing to do. When did she do that?" He said touching my burns. "Last night." I winced at his touch. "We should put some ice on it. Let's go to my house."

Andy's family trusted me in their house, unlike other girls that have been here before.

"Mom Hailey is here." Andy yelled upstairs where his mom was washing laundry. "Hi Hailey!" She said smiling at me. "Hello Mrs. Biersack!" I smiled.

We went into the basement where Andy's room was. I flopped on his bed, he went into his mini fridge to get ice cubes. "Lay on your stomach." He ordered me, and I followed his rules. "They are all down my back too." I could see Andy's concern written all over his face. "You could have gotten a major back injury Hailey." He said slowly lifting up my shirt, revealing my burned back. He laid ice cubes on my individual burns, they all lined my spine. I hissed at the coldness against the burns. It hurt, for only a moment. "It's alright sweetheart let it out." He said applying pressure to each ice cube.

He took off each ice cube one by one. "Your good." He said as I sat up in pain. He helped me get up by holding my hips. "Wanna smoke some cigs?" I asked pulling a lighter out of my pocket. "You know my weakness." He smiled.

We walked to the train station, where we would walk on the tracks and into the woods.

"You know how long it's been since we were last down here?" He asked admiring the leaves above. "It's been awhile." I said looking up.

We went into our spot where we would light fires and play guitar. "Where did you put our guitar's from last time?" I asked. "Up there." He gestures to the treehouse above us. "Looks like it's on it's last legs." I frowned. "I'll get the guitar's." He smiled as he started climbing up.

I sat in front of the fire he started earlier, as he came back down from the run down treehouse. He gave me my acoustic guitar, while he got his. "What do you wanna play?" He asked me. "Let's play.... The Mortician's Daughter." He smiled. "I like when we sing that song. Your voice gives it beautiful harmony." I blushed for a little bit.  Andy Biersack may be an athiest, but he knows how to make someone happy.

"I open my lungs dear.." He starts singing. "I sing this song at funeral's, no rush." I jump in harmonizing.

"These lyrics heard a thousand times, just plush." We sing together. I loved singing with Andy. It made me so happy and it would help me escape from- life.

My phone went off in my pocket. "Ugh its my mom." I said picking up the phone. "Here let me pick up." Andy said laughing. "Hello Mrs. McCain? This is Andy. Hailey will be home very soon." He said smiling. He handed the phone to me. "She wants to talk to you." I put the phone against my ear.

"Hailey Rose McCain! I told you that I don't like you hanging out with that- Andy!"

I rubbed my forehead. I could tell that Andy heard my mother. "Mom he is my best friend. My only friend. He cares for me mom." I said and hung up. "Did you hear that?" He nodded. I hugged him, his arms held my hips. "I will always be your friend Hailey, no matter what your mom says." He said rubbing my back. "Thank you Andy." I said as I kissed his cheek. "Lets go home." He smiled.

I walked into my house, got a shower, and put on pajamas. "Hailey. Do you have something to tell me?" My mother said. "I'm sorry mom." I said. "Sorry is not gonna do it sweetie." He had chains in her hands. "Mom please don't do it again!" I sniffled. I'm going to have too."

She wrapped hot chains around my arms. The familiar smell of my burning flesh hit me hard. I winced in pain. I kicked and fought until she unwrapped the chains. "I hope you learned your lesson." She said walking out.

I went back on my phone, and saw a text from Andy.

Are you okay? I heard a cry.

I texted him back.

I'm okay.

Are you sure?


I peered at my arms, burns developing on them.

Come over when your parents go to sleep. I need a cuddle.

I smiled to myself, thankful that Andy knew when I was feeling down.

Hey yall, this is something little I have been working on. This isn't going to be like Trøuvaille, just a short story. Hope yall enjoy:)

My love for Andy Biersack is growing❤

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