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●Hailey pov●
Andy walked out shirtless in his sweatpants. I was used to this, so I wasn't really surprised. "What were you doing on my phone?" He laughed. I took a bunch of pictures on his instagram. He scrolled through them and laughed. "Awh these are cute. I'm keeping them up." I blushed.

"Andy! I'm going to the store so I'm going to need you to keep an eye on the house!" I heard Andy's mom say. "Okay!" He yelled back up. "Let's go upstairs." He said as we ran up the stairs.

"Do you wanna see my recent music video?" He asked. I nodded, eager to see what he came up with next.  He scrolled through his phone, mirroring his screen on the t.v. He searched up his song 'We Don't Have To Dance'. I absolutely loved this song.

The music video started with him sitting in a theater. Damn, his jawline was perfection and his hair looked amazing. Hailey stop he's your best friend! I couldn't think of my friend this way.

As soon as I knew it the video was over. "What did you think?" He asked me.

Sexy. Hot. Gorgeous. Beautiful.

"I loved it!" I said as he put an arm around me. "Let's watch a movie." I nodded and I turned on netflix. "Let's watch........" I hummed, wondering what we could watch. "Let's watch Stranger Things." He said smiling. "Okay."

"Time for bed kiddos." Andy's mom said. We said goodnight and walked downstairs.

We went into Andy's bedroom and went into the bed. We slipped under the sheets. "Andy?" I asked. "Yes sweetheart?" I blushed at his words. "Thank you." I said hugged around his torso, my neck in the crook of his. His arms rested at my waist, his arms holding me close to him. I felt so safe.

"Hailey your my friend, I will care about you no matter what. I need you to remember that." He kissed my neck. God damn it. My sweet spot. He gently squeezed my thigh, and he smiled. "Now let's go to sleep. I have to show you something tomorrow." I grinned. What would he show me?

I woke up with Andy's arms wrapped around my stomach. I stretched and he wouldn't budge. "Andy..." I said patting his head. "I need to breathe." He growled and squeezed tighter. "Gee thanks buddy." I said sarcastically. "I was kidding." He said laughing in his raspy morning voice. He let go of me and I stood up to stretch.

I went into the bathroom. I rinsed my face with cold water, the cold sensation like a slap to my face. Goosebumps paint my arms and I shiver. I walk out of the bathroom and I hear his voice.

"Where are you going?" He asks rubbing his eyes. "I'm just going upstairs to get something to eat." I smile. "Ugh stay in bed." He growls.

God bless.

I walk towards his bed and I lay down. He gives me a hug. "Thank you for sleeping over." He whispers in my ear. "Hey, no problem for me. I hate my parents."

We finally got out of bed around 12:48 pm. I don't know why Andy was so clingy all of a sudden.

I took out a bowl and cocoa pebbles. I poured the milk into the cereal, so it would turn into chocolate milk. I took a spoon and we sat at the kitchen island.

We ate our cereal in silence, until his mom shouted from upstairs.

"Hailey is an angel.... they are awesome together.... he is not a bad influence!..... okay."

Andy went to comfort his mom. "I was talking to your mother Hailey, she said that she doesn't want you with Andy anymore."  Andy rubbed his mom's back. "No this isn't happening...." Andy said with worry. "I'm afraid that Hailey's mom wants to see her." I held my head in my hands. "I'll come with you." Andy said.

We walked to my porch. I was slowly regretting the decision of bringing Andy with me. "Andy I seriously don't think this is a good idea." I looked at him. He gripped my shoulders. "I've got this." He reassured me.

"You went to that irresponsible boy's house!" My mom screamed at me. "Mom he's not irresponsible, he takes care of me." My mom rolled her eyes. "So you care about your friend more than your own mother!"

"Mom please stop yelling!"

And with that she slapped me in the face.



"That is enough!" Andy erupted like a volcano. He grabbed me by my waist and put my face into his chest. I breathed in his beautiful scent. "Is this how you treat your only daughter?!" He hushed me. "Come on, we need to go."

We walked out of the house. My breath was now steady. "I need to show you something. You can't freak out at all." She nodded.

I went under my bed to retrieve the butcher knife. "What are you doing with that?" She asked suddenly defensive. "I'm not gonna kill you, just follow me."

"I don't know if I should, considering you have a knife in your hand."

I looked at the knife, my distorted reflection facing me. "Please just trust me." I said holding her hand.

"Andy I know how you get when you have a weapon in your hand."

"Please you just have to trust me." I said my eyes pleading.

"I'm sorry Andy. I have to go."

She turned around, rubbing her shoulders, walking back to- where was she going?

I am sure she wouldn't be going back to her house. Maybe she was going to mine, probably not.

The rain began to pour down, drips of the cold water landing in my hair, running down my shirt.

I went back inside, hoping to see Hailey back in the house, maybe in my room. No one was home.

I smelled suspicion, I couldn't let her go outside alone.

After all, anything could happen.

CaLm DoWn

I changed up the chapter on purpose.



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