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Hailey pov
"This is your bedroom, but you may not be in here that much."

The way he said things to me made me feel like I was safe. He lead me to one room, the door had many three times more locks than the rest of the rooms did. "This is a room where terrible people go. You cannot enter this room at all. Never ever. They get punished because they have done bad things." I nodded, knowing that I had to understand that it was his job.

"Lily, bring me a drink please. Give Hailey water please." Lily rushed in with a glass of water for me and a pouch of red substance for Andy. He ripped open the pack, some of the red contents getting on my white pants. "Shit." I licked my thumb, and rubbed it on my pants trying to get the stain off of my clothes. "Is this b-blood?" I gulped. This blood or whatever this was isn't coming off. "Yes, I live off of it when I'm down here, but I can crave it in the human world as well."

I cringed at his statement, no wonder he was rushing to get down here. He needed the sensation of human blood. I rubbed my arms. "It's best if we head back home now. Your mom might be cooking dinner." I said.

We waved goodbye to Lily, and we transported back to earth. I opened my eyes and stared into his now icy blue ones. He looked so calm, so good.

I could kiss you right now.

"Really?" He asked me. I turned red with embarrassment. "Wait did I just say that out loud?" I said breathless. He just laughed. "Yes you did sweetheart, lets just go home." He took my hand in his, kissed mine, and we walked home hand in hand.

Tonight for dinner was Taco Tuesday. We had Taco's, corn, and Macaroni and Cheese. "You two were out all day today. Probably a big adventure." I smiled to myself. "It was pretty interesting." I smiled at Andy.

We finished up dinner and I helped Andy's mom wash the dishes.

Wow, I actually did something helpful for once.

I smiled at my own thought. I went downstairs to the bathroom to take a shower. Before I even stripped of my clothing, I looked at my underwear, fuck. I got my period. When did that happen? No idea.

Wait, if Andy likes blood, does that mean- NO! That's gross. He wouldn't be able to sense if I was on my period or not. I looked in the bathroom cabinet, hoping maybe something was in there that I could use. Nope.


Maybe I could ask his mom? Shit no, that's embarrassing. I guess I had no choice.

"Andy my stomach hurts." I said trying to slowly clue him in on what was going on. "Be right back." He said dashing upstairs.

Where tf are you going?

He came downstairs with- tampons. "Your welcome." He smiled. "How did-". He cut me off with four words.

"I have my ways."

I resumed into the shower and turned on the water.

After a glorious shower I put on a sweatshirt and leggings. "Do you wanna go for a walk?" Andy asks me. I just got a shower, but I could actually go for a walk right now.

I nodded, he smiled a goofy smile and we snuck out the window. We walked along the dirt road. It was pretty dark outside, I'm glad he was here with me. "You look stressed." Andy says, his hand on the small of my back. "Yeah kind of, with my parents and all." He nodded, he understood me. "Do you feel safe with me?" He asked me. "Of course I do, Andy. You have been my best friend for years, I trust you with everything. But it's kind of scary trusting someone with your life. They could just drop it at any moment." I looked up at the sky.

"You know I wouldn't do that." I smiled at him. "I know." We sat on the swing set at a community park. "You know we have to start packing for tour tomorrow. We have to see the boys in about a week." He said smiling. "I miss them a lot." I said smiling. "Me too."

He smirked at me. "What?" I asked. "I was thinking of something but your too innocent."

"What!" I play pushed him.

"Let's mess around at a frat party."

He signaled the house that was across the street.

"That's Ashley's house isn't it?" He nodded. "The one and only Purdy. He will be happy to see you. He probably drunk out of his mind though." I laughed at his comment.

The minute we walked in I immediately regretted my decision. Andy opened the door, and all these girls looked at him like he was chocolate. He put his arm around my waist, and I kept my hand on his shoulder. "Anybody see Ashley Purdy?!" He yelled. Moments later, we saw the familiar face of Ashley pop out.

"Andrew is that you?" He said, obviously drunk. "Easy buddy." Andy said steadying him. "Who's this beautiful woman?" Ashley said looking at me. "Wait a minute..... Hailey!" Ashley said hugging me. "You dyed your hair!" He kissed my cheek. "Ashley calm down." Andy said pulling me closer to him. "Oh come on Andy, it's not like you claimed her. Let's go upstairs and have some fun Hailey. It's been a while." I stayed with Andy. "Not while your drunk." I laughed. "Let's play a game instead." Andy says. "Alright. Truth or Dare? AY ANYONE WANNA PLAY TRUTH OR DARE?" Ashley shouted through out the house. People raised their hands and we all sat in a circle in the living room.

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