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●Andy pov●
Come over when your parents go to sleep. I need a cuddle.

Why did I send that text? I knew better, she wasn't that kind of person. Well, I mean I do need a hug.

I heard the window crack open, a pair of fingers appear. "It's me." I hear Hailey's hushed tone.

"That took a while." I said once I helped her get through the window. "Yeah, my parents don't go to sleep at 9 like yours do."

"Not my fault that my parents want to get their recommended sleep." I sneered. "Oh please, you think my parents care?" She said laughing. "You got drinks down here?" She asked. "There's water in the fridge." I said gesturing to the mini fridge in the corner of my room. "Thanks. You want one too?"

"I'll take one."

She tossed two bottles over. She sat criss cross on my bed, opening her water bottle.

"Lay down with me."

The phrase slipped out of my mouth.

She adjusted herself on my bed. She layed down next to me, hogging my covers. "Hey!" I said tugging the cover's to my side. "I'm cold."

"Borrow a sweatshirt of mine." I walked over to my closet and pulled out a blackveilbrides hoodie. "Wow. Supporting yourself, huh?" She said putting on the hoodie. She stood up, it was like a dress on her. "Andy why the hell are you so tall?" She said. "I don't know, genes I guess."

"No shit."

She went back under my covers, the hoodie riding up her thighs. "So what exactly happened over there." I said. She hesitated. "Hailey..." I said looking at her. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" She nodded, a tear fell down her cheek. "Please tell me." I said pleading.

"She burned me again."

I rolled up her sleeves, burned flesh was revealed. "Hailey..." I said kissing her temple. I went over to the mini fridge with two ice packs. I put one on each arm. She winced and hissed, but she felt better as the ice pack did it's job. "Andy you have no idea how I would be without you." She said hugging me.

She looked at her phone clock. "I gotta go." She said ready to climb out the window. "Okay, please be careful Hailey."

"I will Andy, see you tomorrow." She smiled and headed out the window.

I woke up the next morning with a text from Hailey.

H: hey can we hang today?

A: Sure, but later tho.

H: okay.

I grabbed the case for my butcher knife from underneath my bed, and put the knife in my backpack. "Mom I'll be out!" I yelled halfway out the door.

I walked out into the backyard. I walked deep into the woods behind our house. I found the spot where a pentagram was spray painted on. I called to be let into hell, I had to do my job.

I took the butcher knife out of my pocket, and fit it into the intricate lines of the pentagram, and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes, and I was here, hell.

"Welcome back master, can I get you anything?" My servant lily said. "Lily sweetheart could you fill me a glass of blood?" She nodded and rushed to get me a glass.

She handed me the glass of red liquid. I put the glass to my lips and took a drink. I haven't had blood in 24 hours, and I had to regain my strength.

I watched Hailey, she was in her room, tending her burns. She wrapped her arms in bandages, to help the burns heal.

"Your falling in love, master." Lily said behind me. "No I'm not. I am unable to love." Sometimes I want to snap Lily's neck.

"When is she going to find out that- your -" Lily questioned me. "She's going to find out soon. I've seen her suffer too long. Now I must go. I promised Hailey that we would hang out later."

Oh and you have probably noticed.

I am the devil.

When I knocked for Hailey she answered and immediately hugged me. You can't have feelings Andy. The devil doesn't have feelings. I told myself over and over again.

"I just want to escape Andy. I don't want to be near them anymore." She whispered in my ear. "Hailey you can't say that. They may not act like it but they love you so much. They just want the best for you." She sniffled and I wiped her tears.

We went to my house and blasted music in my room. "Do you wanna sleepover tonight?" I asked. "Yea, that would be nice." She said nodding. "I need a break anyway." I smiled. "We all do sometimes."

My mom came downstairs with grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. "Thank you Mrs. Biersack." Hailey smiled. "I literally love your mom." Hailey laughed picking up her sandwich.

"I'm gonna get a shower." Hailey smiled. I handed her sweatpants and a sweatshirt. "Here." I smiled. She went into the bathroom.

I knocked on the bathroom door with a towel in my hand. "Yes?" I heard her say. "I have a towel for you." I set the towel on the sink. "Thank you!" She sang.

I laid on my bed on my phone, Hailey cane out of the bathroom, my clothes super long on her. "Dude stop growing." She rolled her eyes dropping herself on the bed. I laughed. "I'll get in now." She nodded and played on my phone.

I stripped off my clothing, stepping into the hot shower. I shampooed my hair, you know doing all that. Then I realized that I left my clothes in my bedroom and my towel in there as well.

The bedroom Hailey was in.

How the hell was I supposed to get my shit?

"Hailey!" I hollered. "Yes?" I heard her say. "Could you bring me my clothes and a towel?" I heard the doorknob turn. "My eyes are closed- I'm just gonna put them here." I laughed. "Thank you!" I said mimicking her. "Hey I don't talk like that." She said walking out.

Lol yes she does.

Hahahah so idk i like this story.
Also i might update a lot soooo

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