Chapter 17: Phantom Lord

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As they walk back to the guild with Erza dragging Natsu, they notice that the people are whispering themselves with worried looks.

"It's Fairy Tail wizards..."

"I guess they don't know yet."

"The poor things..."

"What's going on?" Sakura questions.

"We're drawing an unusual amount of attention." Gray says.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Happy says.

"Frightened?" Erza says as she looks forward before stopping in her tracks and gasps in shock as the others notice this and look forwards as well. The six of them stop in their tracks and are horrified at the sight they see off in the distance. It was their guild but with an odd shape.

"What's this? The guild shouldn't look like that." Erza says.

"What in the world happened?" Lucy questions.

"We have to take a better look!" Sakura says as the group rushes and soon arrive at the front of the guild, seeing the full extent of the damage done to it.

"That's..." Gray says as everyone is staring up at the damage of their guild, gasping in completely shock at that they are seeing.

"What happened?" Erza questions.

"W-what?" Lucy says.

The iron pillars are coming out from the inside of the guild, causing the outside to be torn to pieces are both iron and wood protrude out from the building. At the top of Fairy Tail flag is barely hanging on.

Natsu takes a few steps forward, anger coursing through his veins as it could be seen on his face with his pupils become small and his eyebrows narrow down as his arms begins to shake. "Our... Our guild has been..."

"Is everyone okay?" Sakura hopes.

"What in the world happened?" Erza questions.


Sakura, Lucy, Happy, Erza, and Gray hear Mirajane's voice behind them and turn to see her with a saddened look on her face as she clenches her hand on her chest.

"What did you say?" Gray asks.

"Did you say Phantom?" Natsu asks turning his head to look at her with a dark shadow in his forehead as his angered look remain.

"I hate to say it, but they got us." Mirajane says.

Mirajane leads the group down the stairs to the guild's first level basement, arriving to see the rest of their friends already there as it appears now the storage room has been made into the temporarily beer hall. The rest of the guild are sitting down at the few makeshift tables were around.

"We've always been on bad terms with Phantom. Jet says as he and the rest of Team Shadow Gear sit at a table together.

"Maybe we should go and crush them." Dray says as he lies back against his chair with his eyes closed.

"I said stop that. We're up against Phantom... That Phantom..." Levy says to her teammates.

"Yo! Welcome back!" Makarov cheerfully greets to the returned group. His cheeks are completely pink as everyone could tell that he is completely drunk due to the beer mug in his hand.

"Huh?" Lucy says with a hand to her mouth, confusing by the Master's state.

Sakura has a worried look on her face, Gray with serious look on their face while Erza has her eyes closed and a hand on her hip, Natsu is still angry as he looks at Makarov.

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