Chapter 19: A Day At Beorn's

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(Sarah's POV)

I awoke to Bilbo gently shaking my shoulder.
"Come along, Sarah.  Everyone is ready," he said, motioning towards the group of dwarves. "M'kay," I replied groggily, and slowly got up and stretched.  I blinked at the bright, warm sunlight coming through the very tall windows.  I heard wood being chopped, and thought, That must be Beorn.

Everyone was gathered around Gandalf as he was saying, "He isn't overly fond of dwarves, nor people who come unexpected.  The last person to have surprised him was torn to pieces."  Gandalf finally saw me and said, "Ah, Sarah.  Good to see you're finally up."  I sleepily nodded at his comment and mumbled, "Mhm yup."

"Now," he continued, "I was wondering if you knew how we could get his attention without being... well, quite frankly, torn to shreds?"  I was surprised that he wanted my help and said, "Oh, wow, um, well," I started to try and remember the book.

"Well, uh, you and Bilbo go to him first, and talk about our encounter with the goblins, and then add on the dwarves as you go along, and then signal them to come out in pairs."  "How so?" Gandalf asked anxiously.

I smiled at him in disbelief and asked, "Wait, are you nervous?"  He feigned confidence and said, "No, don't be absurd.  I am completely fine."  But his nervous expression quickly returned as he asked, "But how do I tell him our story?"  "You just... use bigger group words as you go along," I continued, making a face and using my hands for emphasis, "Like 'few', then signal for a pair of dwarves, then say 'group', then 'troup', then whatever comes next I guess."

He nodded and seemed to think over it for a minute before saying, "Alright.  He is outside, so you had better stay in here to help send these dwarves out by pairs."  I smiled a small smile and quietly said, "Aw yay.  I get to lead for once."

As the dwarves got into pairs, I kept glancing out of the window and watching Gandalf and Bilbo walk towards Beorn quietly.  He was chopping wood, and so far, didn't take any notice of the hobbit or wizard. He seemed to be 10 feet tall, if not more.  "Dang, he's tall," I muttered to myself.  The dwarves wouldn't stop talking, so I asked Thorin to kindly shut them up so I could tell when the signal would be made.

Then I remembered.  "Ohhh we didn't establish a signal," I said, facepalming myself, "Crumpets."  I listened for when he would use another number word.  I thought I heard him say, "few", so I whispered "Go!" to the first pair.  They walked out and bowed to a surprised Beorn, and then stood still.

We did this for the rest of the story, until I heard an aggravated Beorn ask, "Are there anymore with you?"  Thorin and I walked out.  Beorn looked at me and said, "You are not a dwarf."  "No, sir, I'm a human," I replied as polite as I could.

He sighed and gruffly said, "I suppose you all are going to stay for breakfast?"  "If it isn't too much of a bother to you, my fine fellow," Gandalf replied, clearly containing his nervousness.


A few minutes later, we were seated at the big table.  Beorn had brought out oats, fruit, honey, and cheese.  He had this big, wooden jug of milk, and poured some into large wooden mugs for each of us.  I, personally, really liked this breakfast.  It was something I would usually eat at home. I got another twinge of homesickness, but I quickly pushed it away and listened.  Beorn told us the story of how he was the only one left of his kind because of how orcs used his people for sport.

Gandalf and him discussed Mirkwood, and whether or not Beorn could possibly help us with supplies.  Beorn, being the all-nature dude he was, let his mice friends crawl onto the table.  I tried petting one with my finger, but it crawled away from my touch.  I smiled and whispered, "Das so cute."  Dwalin didn't agree with me as he brushed one off of his arm.  Beorn picked it up and said, "I don't like dwarves... They're greedy.  And blind to the lives of those they deem less worthy than their own."  I held my breathe with anticipation until he finally said, "But orcs I hate more.  What do you need?"  I think everyone breathed a sigh of relief as we realized that he would help us.

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