Chapter 34: The Fall of Many

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A/n: hehe I lied about updating on Tuesday. Also, I've decided to bold the POVs. Btw, is it whale worms or wereworms?

(Sarah's POV)

The dwarves cheered at seeing the arrival of their people.  Thranduil went throughout his army, shouting commands in elvish.  Erin followed his lead.  The army turned and started marching towards the dwarves.  "Crumpets," I said to myself, trying not to curse, "Cheese and crackers."  There didn't seem to be a way out of this mess, and my anxiety was increasing tenfold.  "We need to leave.  Now," I told Bilbo, craning my neck and standing on tiptoe as I searched for a safe place.  "Where?  Where can we go?" he asked, staying close.  "Umm with Gandalf," I answered, spotting the wizard.  I told the hobbit to stay close as we made our way towards him in the crowd of marching elves.

At the front of the army was a dwarf riding a boar.  "Who is that?" Bilbo asked, making a face, "He certainly doesn't look very happy."  "Nope," I replied with a nervous chuckle, "he sure doesn't."  "It is Dain," Gandalf explained, "Lord of the Iron Hills.  Thorin's cousin."  "Are they alike?" Bilbo asked.  "I always found Thorin the more reasonable of the two," Gandalf replied quietly, shaking his head.

Dain came trotting down the hill on his boar.  I could see his firey red hair shine from underneath his helmet.  "He's gotta be Scottish," I said to myself.  "Good morning," he announced with what sounded like a deep Scottish accent, "And how are we all?"  "Called it," I said with a smirk.  The dwarf army stopped right behind him.

"I've a wee proposition, if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time," he continued, narrowing his eyes at the elvish army, "Would ya consider...  JUST SODDING OFF???"  There it is, I thought.  The humans backed away a bit, but the elvish army took a few steps forward.  "ALL OF YOU," Dain shouted, "RIGHT NOW."  "Stand fast!" Bard called out to his small army.

"Come now, Lord Dain," Gandalf said, calmly stepping forwards.  Bilbo and I stayed behind him.  "Gandalf the grey," Dain scoffed.  Gandalf bowed his head at his name.  Dain didn't look pleased as he said, "Tell this rabble to leave.  Or I'll water the ground with their blood!"  "That doesn't sound very pleasant," I muttered with a frown.  "Quite right," Bilbo whispered.  Murmurs of fear and anger swept through the human army.

"There is no need for war between dwarves, man, and elves!" Gandalf explained, walking forwards.  Bilbo and I decided to stay behind this time.  Gandalf got as close as he was permitted to and said, "A legion of orcs march on the mountain.  Stand your army down."  "I will not stand down before any elf," Dain said stubbornly, "Not least this faithless woodland sprite."  He pointed at Thranduil with his club.

"He wishes nothing but ill upon my people," he continued, "If he chooses to stand between me and my kin, I'll split his pretty head open!"  Thranduil and Erin only smirked at that comment. So that's where he gets his smirk from, I thought.

"See if he's still smirking then!" Dain continued.  The dwarves cheered, holding up their weapons and stomping on the ground.  When they were finally silent, Thranduil said, "He is clearly mad.  Like his cousin."  "Ya hear that, lads?" Dain shouted, "We're on!" He started riding side to side at the front of his army shouting, "Let's give these bastards a good hammering!"

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