Chapter 2

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I entered the Academy and gasped.  I wasn't looking at the high ceilings or grand features, I was looking at all of the 100 now occupying it.  They climbed up the large velvet curtains in front of all the floor length windows, slid down the banisters for the stairs, they had even started ransacking the kitchen, which was the next room over.  Oh my god.

"Stop it!  Everybody stop it!" nobody listened.  I screamed out some more, but soon my voice was scratchy.  Where was the principal?  Jaha had told us that there would be someone here.  An Asian kid came up to me and stood by my side.  

"They're not going to listen to you." the guy said, staring at me as I turned towards him.  

"Obviously.  But why are they acting like this?" I shook my head in disbelief as the shouts coming from the 100 poured into my ears.  I would surely have a headache after this.  

"Think about it." the guy said. "Their whole lives, they've been under the careful watch of Jaha and Kane.  Skaikru high monitors everything. Haven't you noticed?" I shook my head, confused.  Even though my mother was secretary, I didn't know much about what went on behind the scenes.  From everyone's eyes, Skaikru was just another private school, with dorms and annoying tests.  I only knew one secret, one that could ruin the school, but I've never told anyone.  Besides Wells, at least.  And we all know how that went.

"I'm Monty." he said, smiling slightly.


"I know.  Everyone knows you." Monty said, laughing.  When I looked confused, Monty explained. "You're the artist.  Easily the best in Skaikru.  That's why you're here." Monty reminded me again of why they had sent us here.  We all supposedly had talents or just had "potential".  Potential?  Really?  Some of these kids are the worst kids in all of Skairkru.

For example, John Murphy, who was trying to pull down the curtains people were climbing on, would always get into fights.  He at least got into three in the past year, leaving the other person with bruises and broken bones each time.  

Suddenly, someone shouted. 

"Hey!" It was Bellamy Blake, standing a few feet away from us.  Everyone froze, staring straight at Bellamy.  I could see Octavia out of the corner of my eye, who had been raiding the pantry.  

"Finally." I muttered, rolling my eyes.  At least the 100 listened to somebody.

"We have to behave better than this.  We aren't animals, now, are we?" he gave a sadistic smile suddenly. "So behave, but just remember one thing.  We do whatever the hell we want!" Everyone cheered, pumping their fists in the air.  

"This isn't good." I muttered again, closing my eyes.  The cheers were still overpowering my ears as I kept my eyes closed, sighing.

I put my backpack down on the floor, sitting on the bed.  The room was pretty cool, I guess.  Better than the Skaikru dorms, that's for sure.  The bed had blue covers, a desk with a computer against the wall, a closet, a dresser, and a fridge with a wide variety of snacks.  I could live with this.  

There was suddenly a knock at the door, followed by more banging.  I let out a frustrated groan as I got up from the bed.  The knock had vibrated around in my skull, causing my head to ache even more than it already was.  I quickly opened the door to find spacewalker standing in front of me.  

"Hey." spacewalker smiled at me.  They called him spacewalker because he loved space and, once, he got offered to go to NASA and skipped to school to go.  He got in trouble for that, and ever since everyone has called him that.  I don't think anyone even knew his actual name.

"Umm, hi." What was he doing here?  I watched him as he pushed his dark hair out of his face, looking at me the whole time. "What are you doing here, spacewalker?"  He looked away at that, as if I had said something to disappoint him.  

"I just wanted to say sorry for annoying you today." he seemed to gain back his confidence as he said this, smiling once again. "But I'm not that sorry."

"Why not?" I stared at him, not sure if I was enjoying this or not.

"You look cute when you're angry, Princess." I winced at the word princess.  I was definitely not a princess.  Anyone who knew me would know that I was nothing like that.  

"Are you flirting with me, spacewalker?" I squinted at him, playing along with his little love game.  I laughed under my breath.

"I might be." spacewalker laughed, too, staring into my blue eyes. "What's your name?"

"Clarke.  What's yours?" spacewalker seemed to consider my question, as if he was wondering if he should tell me his name or not.

"It's Finn." I nodded at him.  The name made sense.  He looked like a Finn, to me at least.

"Well, maybe I'll see you later Finn." And with that, I closed the door on him, smirking as he stared wonderingly at me, his face disappearing behind the door.  

I could live with this.

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