Chapter 5

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It was early in the morning, around 10:00.  I was walking towards the kitchen, towards the wafting smell of eggs and bacon.  I passed a few kids in the hallway and entrance way, but I paid no attention to them.  Sunlight, bright and yellow, filtered in through the windows.  It was the same color as Clarke's hair.  Soft, golden, sweet smelling.  I breathed out a sigh of satisfaction, as if Clarke were right here with me, holding my hand as I walked down the hallway.

When I made it to the kitchen, my eyes skimmed over the crowd, searching for a particular blonde.  And there she was.  

Clarke sat at a table towards the back, looking serious, like always.  Sometimes, when I would see her around Skaikru, I would wonder if her face just naturally showed no sign of emotion.  Not even her bright blue eyes gave anything away.  She was sitting at the middle of her table, surrounded by Monty, Jasper, Octavia, Harper, Atom, and Bellamy, who sat next to her.  I stared at them as they all laughed at something Jasper had said, except for Clarke, who just gave a small smile.

Feeling bravery coursing through me, I walked towards Clarke's table, ignoring everyone's looks as I walked past them.  I even walked past my two best friends, Max and Andy, who were just as rebellious as me.  They stared with their mouths open as I sat down at Clarke's table, on her right side, with no invitation.  Other's went back to their conversations, but the people at the table I was now sitting at looked at me curiously.

"Hey, Finn, what's up?" Clarke asked, looking at me.  I had never been this close to her, just a few inches away.  If we weren't surrounded by people I would have closed that gap already.  But we were surrounded by people.  

"Nothing.  I just saw you and thought I might join in the fun." I flashed her a smile, winking, but Clarke just looked confused.  I looked past her and saw Bellamy staring at me with an odd look on his face.  It took a moment to realize it was jealousy.  Everyone knew that Bellamy was a player.  Maybe he just wanted to get in Clarke's pants.  Maybe he already did.

I shook the thought from my head with another smile at Clarke.  She seemed to smile at me hesitantly, as if debating with herself.  She turned back to face Octavia, who had broken the strange silence with her usual sarcastic comments.

"Well, now that that is settled.  I can't wait to be able to go back to my dorm and nap again." she said, looking grateful. "At Skaikru I could never take naps during the day cause of classes." 

"Yeah," Clarke chimed in, "I'm surprised there aren't any classes here." Clarke took another bit of her scrambled eggs, her fork scraping against her plate.

"You would think that would at least have some classes, like art or something.  But we are literally free to do anything." Harper looked confused as she talked, her eyes suspicious. "Well, not that free now that Pike is here."

"I haven't even seen him since our first night.  I wonder what he's up to." Bellamy said, his turn to be suspicious.

"Probably has jet lag or something.  He did say he flew all the way over here." Monty reasoned, shrugging.  Harper smiled at him for some reason, but I didn't look too into it.  I turned back to Clarke, who by now had finished her eggs.  Her plate was scraped empty, no sign left that she had even eaten anything.  Bellamy was now talking to Octavia about something, but I couldn't really hear.  Monty, Jasper, and Harper were having their own conversation, and Atom ate his food while staring at Octavia.  It was clear he liked Octavia, but I'm pretty sure anyone would fall for her as soon as they saw her.  Well, except for me.  I liked Clarke, obviously.  Taking this as my chance, I turned towards Clarke, already knowing what I was going to say.  

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