Chapter 18

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Sorry I haven't updated!  I've been so busy lately.  Thanks for reading, please vote and comment!


October 31st, Halloween.  Supposedly the scariest night of the year, when all the vampires, werewolves, witches, and all other creatures come out to play, waiting to kill you or take all of your candy.  What a load of bullshit.

Halloween was fun and exciting, dressing up and scaring others, eating so much candy your teeth ached the next day.  That was the true spirit of Halloween, what the night was really about. 

So, on this particular night, I stood in my room, in front of the mirror.  The whole Academy was going with a theme: Skaikru dresses up as people from space and Grounders dress up as people from the ground, but a bit like savages. (Basically the outfits and makeup from the show, except Clarke wears the dress that Lexa gave her in season 3).  I wasn't sure about it, but Clarke and Lexa wanted it so...

Currently, I was wearing a blue shirt and black pants, with a guard vest over it and a plastic gun.  I had all this fake technology/gear on my pants and vest, so I looked pretty cool.  This Halloween would be great, since Clarke would be with me the whole time.

Hearing shouts from the direction of the kitchen all of a sudden, I ran out of my room, not sure if something bad or good was happening.  Music started pounding, vibrating off the walls and towards me as I got closer.  When I reached the entrance hall, I saw a group of Skaikru people right on my trail, wondering the same thing as me.  I looked into the kitchen and saw, well, I saw everyone dancing on top of the tables.  Apparently Pike was nowhere to be seen.

The lights were off in the kitchen and a bunch of kids were dancing to the music, some on the tables and some on the floor.  All of the Skaikru kids had similar outfits to mine.  Looking around, I quickly spotted Clarke dancing with Lexa, across the room.  Raven stood next to them, in her usual bomber jacket and jeans and Octavia was with them also, dancing with Lincoln.  She wore the face makeup that each grounder seemed to be wearing around their eyes, little spikes running down her cheeks and up her forehead.  Lexa was the only one who had it different, the black makeup surrounding her eyes like a raccoon with a golden jewel on her forehead.  She wore what seemed to be a dress at the top with pants on the bottom, weapons hanging from each side.  Clarke wore a similar dress, but hers slightly different. 

I quickly walked over and put my hands on Clarke's waist, surprising her.  Clarke looked back and smiled, kissing my cheek.  

"Love the costume." I said as she turned to face me, her hair sending a wave of flowery smells towards me.  I saw Lexa turn around to Raven, now dancing with her.  Raven gave a big smile, getting closer towards Lexa, who moved forward also.  

"Thank you.  Lexa helped me with it." Clarke smiled, starting to dance with me.

"I'm starting to feel jealous of Lexa.  You've spent so much time with her, should I know something?" I joked, dancing along with her.  Clarke feigned sadness, putting the back of her hand to her forehead.  

"You caught me, I play for the other team." she joked, rolling her eyes.  Suddenly, she turned around. "Hey, Lexa, you look fine today." Clarke winked at her then raised her eyebrows.  Lexa winked right back, not waiting a second before doing it.  

"Same to you, sweet cheeks.  But I'm already taken." Lexa leaned forward and kissed Raven on her cheek, surprising the Hispanic girl.  Raven turned red as soon as Lexa's lips touched her skin, smiling at the same time like a little school girl.  We all laughed at Raven's face, a look of surprise awe, and happiness.

"Too bad." Clarke fake pouted, as if she were disappointed Lexa didn't want her.  Clarke turned back to me, still fake pouting.

"I guess I'm sticking with you." My arms went around her waist again and I pulled her closer, both of us continuing to dance to the loud music.  This was probably the best Halloween ever, and not just because of Clarke.  I had my sister with me, the love of her life, Raven, Lexa, Jasper, Monty, Harper, and, I never though I'd say this, the rest of the Grounders.  This was my new family, and I loved them way more than just my mom and I.

An hour later, we all sat at our usual table.  The lights were back on, the music turned off.  Everyone was just at their usual tables, eating candy out of little baskets Murphy had passed out.  Clarke sat next to me, eating all of the candy.  Three empty candy wrappers were laying on the table in front of Clarke, all of them hers.

"I'm going to be so fat tomorrow." She laughed, still eating chocolate.  Raven nodded, agreeing with her.  She had her own pile of m&m packets in front of her, half of them empty.  Lexa was eating a packet of gummy bears.

"And that, kids, is why I only eat gummy bears on Halloween." Lexa said, chewing off the head on a purple one.  Raven bumped Lexa's shoulder, winking.

"C'mon Lexa, one night off.  Just one bite." Raven laughed, passing a m&m in front of Lexa's face, taunting her.  Lexa, after a few seconds of hesitation, grabbed it and put it in her mouth, savoring the candy.  She moaned at the delicious taste, seeming to be in heaven.

"I haven't had candy in forever." Lexa quickly took another one out of Raven's packet, then another one.  Raven just watched her in fascination.

"I broke her, guys.  I got healthy Lexa to eat candy." Raven raised her arms in triumph, the m&ms in her hand spilling all over the floor, ready for someone to slip on.  "Oops."  

As the rest of them went on with their conversation, I felt a poke in my arm.  I turned to my right, where Octavia was sitting.  She was smiling up at me, her makeup still fresh and dark around her green eyes.  At that moment, I realized again how amazing it was that she was here with me.

"What's up, O?" I asked her, her eyes still dancing with excitement.  

"I just wanted to say," Octavia started, looking around the table at every single person, her eyes lingering on Lincoln and I last, "that this is the best Halloween I've ever had."

I just watched the Vampire Diaries season 3 finale and the first 3 episodes of season 4!  It's so intense, I love the show!  Anyway, thanks for reading!  Please vote and comment!  Remember, tomorrow is The 100 season 4 episode 2!


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