Chapter 22

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As the three of us hurried down the hallway, dorm doors passing one by one, I could hear the angry curses mumbled by Raven, who was right on my tail.  Lexa walked next to her, no emotion on her face but her green eyes dead set.  There was sure fire in the green calm that I'd never seen before, fortunately.  At least it didn't make me even more infuriated and uncomfortable than I already was.  Finn's presence did that to me.

The day had started out fine.  I had just been drawing in the kitchen with Bellamy and Octavia when the least expected thing had happened.  The big, black double doors of the Academy had opened wide and someone had walked in.  A certain someone with heavy footsteps, shoulder length hair, and a lilting smile.  Finn.  

Now, as we entered the entrance way, there stood Finn, surrounded on all sides by Bellamy, Octavia, Jasper, Monty, Harper, and Lincoln.  All of them had stern expressions on their faces, making them all seem in unison.  Finn just stared around them as he spied Raven, Lexa, and me walking towards the group.  His smile could be seen from miles away and his eyes were bright, as if we were just some old friends that hadn't seen each other in a while, instead of dirty cheater with one ex, i.e. Raven, and a sort of ex, i.e. me.  

"Hey, guys." Finn beamed as the three of us approached.  I felt Bellamy's hand grab onto my arm, holding me close to him, side to side.  Lexa stood next to Lincoln, her eyes zoned in on Finn.  Raven moved ahead of me slightly, her eyes fixated on Finn also.

"What do you want?" Raven asked, her voice steady and full of disdain and hate.  She crossed her arms over her chest and jutted out her hip, her braced leg sticking out.  Finn was still smiling despite the obvious hurtful words.  

"I want to be friends again." Finn said.  I scoffed and walked forward, shrugging Bellamy's hand off of me.  I couldn't believe this.  Finn forces himself on me then a few week later he shows up like nothing happened.

"That's likely.  Don't you remember the last time you were friends with us?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.  

"I had hoped you were past that." Finn said, stepping closer to Raven and I.  Raven and stiffened as he passed her, now standing right in front of me.  He was so close now that I could see everyone's shoulders tense and their breathing slow down in suspense.  His hand went instinctively to my wrist, his fingers wrapping around it.  Without a seconds hesitation, I yanked my wrist away from him, his touch making me feel the bruises all over again, his powerful hold, how terrible he truly was.  I moved back again next to Bellamy, feeling safer next to him, the realization of Finn being here less frightening.  

"I don't think anyone will ever get past that." Lexa spoke up, from out of nowhere.  I didn't think Lexa would have spoken up, but then again she had that murderous glare in her eyes that made me feel even safer.  Finn frowned slightly as he looked from me to Raven, taking in her boot, eyes, hair, everything.

"Well, Raven, surely you would take me back.  I'm the only person you have, the only person you will ever have." Finn said, his voice hoarse and evil to my ears.  Raven just gave him a glare that would've surely killed him if looks could do that.  I saw Lexa stiffen as soon as he said it, her eyebrows and eyes narrowing.

"I don't need you.  I have Clarke, Octavia, Bellamy, Lincoln, Jasper, Monty, Harper, and especially my girlfriend, Lexa." Raven stated, puffing her chest out.  Lexa froze once again, her eyes wide as she stared at Raven.  She had the same look in her eyes that Bellamy had when he saw me.  I was a bit shocked by this announcement, but got over it soon enough.  They were good together, the two of them.  Raven backed up and stood next to Lexa, who was now smirking along with Raven.  Finn looked like he had just seen the devil, his face pale and eyes searching for something to say that wouldn't hurt anybody.  Well, I think just the sight of his face hurt everybody, not to be rude.  

"I guess I'll just have to win you both back." Finn smiled, regaining his composure.  He strode past us and into the dorm hallway, much to the dismay of all of us.  He disappeared not a second later, trying to find his way back to his old dorm.  I felt my brain turn fuzzy and my throat dry up.  Things had just been getting better, everything amazing in life.  Now, I would just have to learn to go around him.

Sorry it's so short but I have really bad writer's block right now.  Thanks for reading, please comment and vote.


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