Chapter 21

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"Screw it." I said suddenly, my mind not working like it usually was.  One minute I was mourning over the fight with Anya, the next I was kissing Raven.  The Raven Reyes, the Hispanic mechanic, the beautifully feisty tan girl that had caught my eye the first time she spoke to me.  Now that I thought about it, I was the first person that Raven talked to at the Academy.  Hmm, message from the fates?

I left my thoughts and just thought about Raven, in all of her love and glory.  This was the first time we had actually kissed, and it felt like I was on cloud nine.  Her soft lips pressed hard against mine, as if she were pushing towards me with all her might.  As if she couldn't hold herself back.  I felt my lips opening up, hers doing the same.  Everyone always says that it's the actual 'fun' that's the best, but my favorite is the kissing.  It's that moment when you feel your heart race with every movement, your lips crashing against each other, trying to find your partners exact position of dominance, and trying to be dominant yourself no matter if your mind is telling you to just lay back and enjoy your pleasure.  Well, I listen to my mind a lot.  

I lay back against my bed, Raven on top of me.  Her hand were around my head, pulling me closer, and my hands were on her slim hips, feeling every muscle and slip of skin shown from underneath her thin tank top.  Her skin was warm and soft under my touch, softer than the silk Costia used to have on her bed, or the fur on that little dog I used to play with at the pound when I was little.  I felt my own skin heating up suddenly, not from blushing or blood, which was pulsing through me, but because every nerve in my body was on fire.  With every touch she gave me, I felt myself wanting more, a lot more.  Not just rough kisses on the lips and the slight touch of skin, our bodies pressing together lightly.  I wanted to fit Raven against me, to feel her heart pulsing through to my chest, which I'm sure was beating a mile a minute right now.  I wanted to feel the soft skin of her legs and arms and face.  I just wanted to be as close as I could with her.

Strands of Raven's black hair fell on my face, the little soft hairs tickling my cheeks and and nose.  I felt myself laugh at the sensation, causing Raven to laugh also.  The kiss was heightened and soon enough my hands were rubbing her back in soft circles, a slight smile playing on Raven's lips at the feeling of skin against skin.  The curve of her back was deep and smooth, the bones from her spines not poking out at all.  Just perfect.  

Raven's own hands were now buried deep into my hair, feeling around my brown curls.  I'm sure that both of us had messy, unkempt hair, but neither of us really cared.  Suddenly, Raven came up from the kiss, her breathing heavy, as was mine.  Sweat lined her chest just slightly and I could feel that my chest was exactly the same.  Raven's kiss-bruised lips were smiling happily at she looked at me, brown eyes to green.  She was so beautiful.  Her tan skin was the perfect shade, just a few shades above mine, so that it sparkled in the sun as it hit her, like little diamonds.  Her smile was so bright and her beautiful chocolate eyes took me in and seemed to devour me.  I'm sure my eyes were doing the same.  

"You know, I think I'm done with guys." Raven said through gasps of breath, then I found myself in the same position as before, kissing Raven.  Except, this time, I made my way to the top.  I don't know how, I just know that it happened.  Raven lay against my red comforters, her hands still in my hair.  My hands were still on her back as I slid my body on top of hers, legs to legs, stomach to stomach, chest to chest.  I felt every breath she gave, every pulse of her heartbeat, every slight shiver that went through her body then into mine.  I felt her brace underneath me, but I didn't care.  All I cared about was that I was with this beautiful girl, Raven.  

If this was what love felt like, I never wanted it to end.  The constant butterflies in my stomach, the fuzz in my brain as I stopped thinking straight, the dizziness as I kissed her, the constant need to please her in every way I could, even the little sparks every single time our skin touched.  This was what it was.  The famous love everyone talks about.  This is what it felt like.  It felt like magic, like small like pin pricks that kept poking down your spine, arms, and legs.  The feeling was everywhere.  This was easily the best moment of my life, even better than every time I was with Costia.  This was a million times better cause Raven was the one.  I've known it from the beginning.  

Just as our kissing was getting more and more heated, our hands roaming everywhere instead of just our hair, shoulders, and backs, the moment was ruined.  By someone knocking on the door, of course.  I pulled away from Raven reluctantly and dragged myself off of the bed.  Raven stayed laying down, obviously still feeling light headed from the kissing.  I didn't bother fixing my hair or anything as I opened the door.  I was stunned to find a worried Clarke at my door, biting her lip and narrowing her eyebrows.  

"Lexa." Clarke said, her blue eyes showing a hint of despair, the second time I had ever seen her look like that.  The first time was when Finn had forced himself onto her.  

"What's up, Clarke?" I asked, worried.  I heard Raven move and not a second later she was standing by my side, peering out at Clarke.  

"Something's happened.  Something bad." Clarke said, still not ready to spill the information. 

"What is it?" Raven asked, her voice impatient.  She sure was a fiery one.  Clarke hesitated before answering, once again.

"Finn's back."

A late Valentines Day treat for everyone, hope you enjoyed it!  Please comment and vote, and thanks for reading!


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