Chapter 7

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I stood at the head of the crowd in front of the Academy, surveying the large building.  It was quite impressive, actually, with its glass dome roof and black balconies.  If only Skaikru wasn't here, it would be perfect.  

"Ready to go in?" Anya said from  behind me.  I turned around slowly and caught her eye.  Anya was my best friend, my partner in crime.  I was the class president, she was the vice-president.  That's pretty much the only reason why we agreed to come live here with some of the Skaikru.

I nodded my head in answer to Anya's question, taking the brave first step forward, Anya to my left and my other friend Lincoln to my right.  Behind us were more grounders, including Indra, Ontari, Luna, Roan, and Aden.  

All of us kept walking forward, until we stood right before the big black doors, looming above us as if they were to tell us our fates any minute now.  With my own two hands, I pushed the doors open, revealing the grand interior of the building.  We all gasped as we took in the sight.  A large chandelier hanging from the tall ceiling.  A flight of stairs spiraling upwards.  A few hallways leading off into different directions.  Long, velvet red curtains hung from the large floor-to-ceiling windows, only letting in a sliver of light, yellow and bright against the black wood floors.

And there, standing in an entrance way of what looked like a cafeteria or kitchen, to our left, were a group of people.  There were at least 70 or 80 people, all from Skaikru.  They were all staring at us, well, glaring is more like it.  Standing at the front of the group, apart from the others was a group of five people.  A guy with curly black hair, a girl with green eyes and dark hair, two guys, one of them Asian and the other with goggles on top of his head.  The one in the group that stood out the most from the others was another girl.  She was beautiful, with blonde curly hair and blue eyes.  I stared at her for what seemed like the longest time, the girl staring right back at me.  I felt a jab in my rib and turned my head to the left.  It was Anya again, looking at me with narrowed eyes. 

"Stop staring them down." Anya whispered, trying not to seem obvious.  

"I wasn't." I objected.  One thing everyone should know about me: I was always right, and I never let anyone prove me wrong.  Lincoln and Anya knew that very well.  I turned to Lincoln but found him just staring at the brown haired girl in the group of five.  His eyes were trained on her. 

"You totally were." 

No, I wasn't.  Ok well, maybe a little.  But, in my defense, this girl was seemingly perfect.  She had long golden hair, clear, smooth skin, a curvy yet thin figure.  I couldn't think like this, though.  I promised myself I wouldn't date anyone until at least a year or two after my break up with Costia, which had been seven months ago.  My heart still ached when I thought of her, and that's how I knew I still needed time before I started another relationship.  Well, that and I didn't know if the blonde was into girls.

"You're from Grounders?" the blonde girl said, her eyes narrowing at us.  She wore a blue bomber jacket, a gray shirt, black jeans, and black combat boots.  She seemed as if she led the school.

"Yes, we are the Grounders that are staying here.  I am Lexa."  I said loudly, my voice reverberating off of the high white walls.  The Grounders behind me were obviously glaring at the Skaikru high school students.  Our rivalry goes way back, so far back that we don't even know why we hate each other anymore.  

"I'm Clarke, part of Skaikru.  Some dorms are upstairs and there are a few empty ones on this level.  There are enough for everyone to get their own.  The library is down that hallway, this is the kitchen, where we all eat, the computer room is on the second floor, the gym on the third, and I'm sure that you are more than capable of finding out where everything else is." So the blonde girl's name was Clarke.  I would remember that.  With a nod toward Clarke, I turned to the Grounders.

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