Chapter 13

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Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was out with friends.  Hopefully I'll be able to do three chapters this weekend.  Please vote and comment!



I was in my room, listening to my loud music.  It pounded in my head, the back beat loud and clear as the sky.  As I closed my eyes, I felt the world melt away into a dimension of beats and hums, a low voice singing out every now and then.  I sang loudly to the music, not caring if anyone heard me.  My throat vibrated with my voice.  I started tapping my foot to the beat, and I spun in my rolling desk chair, having the time of my life.  I opened my eyes on the second spin, seeing my dorm moving in and out of blurriness.  Suddenly, I saw a dark blob on my bed and stopped the chair mid-spin.  

I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw it was just Lincoln.  He must have come in while I was listening to music.  His legs were stretched across the bed, wearing his worn jeans.  His sneakers were on the floor and he wore a dark red t-shirt that looked nice next to his dark skin.  He stared at me with his hands behind his head, propped up against my pillow.

"Shit, Lincoln!  Creepy much?" I laughed hysterically, staring at him with surprised eyes.  Lincoln just smiled, winking.

"Didn't mean to scare you, but I wanted to see how long it took you to notice me." Lincoln said, his smile still permanent on his face.  I turned off my music and stood up from the chair.  I walked over to the bed and lay down next to him.  His arm immediately went under my head and wrapped around my shoulders. 

Lincoln was always warm.  He was like a heater, which made me feel amazing.  My stomach twisted into knots when I was around him and I was always blushing, but I felt safe and loved with him.  I had seen Clarke and Bellamy fall for each other in a week, so it wasn't impossible for Lincoln and I to fall for each other in two weeks, right?  

I put my face on Lincoln's chest as he pulled me in closer, my hand laying on his stomach, which, now that I thought about, must have abs.  His muscles just popped out of his t-shirt and his chest felt broad and hard underneath me.  

"You want to go walk around?" Lincoln asked, the hand not around me was combing through my dark hair.  It felt good, as if he were massaging my head.

"No, I just want to stay like this forever." I said into his chest, smiling like a clown.  This felt nice and better than anything I had ever felt.


I felt alone and ignored.  Earlier today, I had been trying to find Monty, just to hang out with him.  I passed by his dorm and heard laughter coming from inside it.  I had put my ear to the door and listened, trying to figure out who it was.  I heard Monty's voice, saying something funny, and after that I heard a girl's laugh.  It was Harper.  I recognized her laughter since that was pretty much all she did around Monty.  It was annoying to me.  I mean, how come Monty had a girl hanging onto his every word, yet I couldn't even get Octavia to look in my direction.  

As I walked down the hallway right now, I saw Lincoln walk past me and knock on Octavia's door.  He waited for a moment then just walked in, obviously not caring if Octavia was wanting him to come in or not.  

I kept walking, staring at the paintings.  Each one was different, with blues and greens and whites and yellows.  The lights from the ceiling danced across the paintings, creating different shadings and images.  After a few minutes of staring at the paintings, I barely realized that I was now in the entrance way.  Painting were covering the walls in this room, too.  A white marble statue of a woman in a toga holding her right hand up in the air stood in the corner of the room, staring at me.  I looked away from the statue and stared at the first painting in the room.  It was black and white, with beautiful swirls and patterns.  It reminded me of the night sky, or even the symbolism of death.

"This one is my favorite." a girl's voice said from next to me, appearing out of nowhere.  I turned my head and saw Maya, her thick brown hair hanging down to her shoulders.  Her brown eyes were concentrated on the painting, a look of interest could be seen in them.  

"Hey Maya." I smiled at her, feeling butterflies form in my stomach.  I met her a few days ago, when she shared her piece of cake with me.  It was the best piece of cake I had ever had.  

"So, what's wrong, Jasper?" Maya looked to me, her eyes now filled with concern.  I shook my head, too quick to seem cool.

"Nothing." I frowned at my voice, hoping it didn't give away what I've been feeling.

"Jasper, come on.  I could tell something was wrong from all the way across the room." Maya pleaded, her plump lips in a hard line.  I felt myself inclined to tell her what was wrong.  I hung my head on my neck and wrung my hands, hoping what I would say wouldn't sound weird to her.

"It's just, Monty now has Harper, and he's just been hanging out with her, and everyone else in the Academy seems to have someone to be with.  Clarke and Bellamy, Octavia and Lincoln, even Raven has someone.  She has Lexa, her new bestie or something." I rolled my eyes in an annoyed manner.  I still couldn't believe that Raven had only been here a few days and had already made her way to the middle of our table, right next to Lexa and Lincoln.  I felt like I was the only one that didn't have anybody to be with.

"You're not alone, Jasper.  You will always have me waiting for you." Maya smiled kindly at me, her eyes sparkling.  I felt a smile make its way onto my face, and I wasn't able to control it. "How about some cake?" Maya asked, smiling even brighter.  I nodded my head and followed her into the kitchen.

Maybe I wasn't so alone after all.

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