Chapter 6

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So I originally wasn't going to write a chapter today, but I decided to write one.  I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistakes cause I'm really tired.  I just got out of my region band clinic that consisted of me playing the flute on the edge of my chair for five hours working with a band director.  So, my back is really killing me.  I'm sure all other flute players or band members will understand this.  Well, thanks for reading!



As I talked with Monty and Harper, I saw Clarke appear again, taking her seat next to Bellamy.  Bellamy gave her a smile, which she returned, her whole face brightening, losing it's serious tones.

My eyes trailed to the person across from her, the girl sitting to my left.  Octavia Blake.  Even though she was a year younger, ever since her first day at Skaikru, I've never been able to take my eyes off of her.  I watched as Octavia laughed, her wide green eyes sparkling with mischief like always.  Her dark hair was down, like always, and every time I saw it like that, I wondered how it didn't get in her perfect face.  I had never seen anyone like Octavia, partly because of her beauty, partly because of her strange features.  Her long, thin eyebrows that arched over her spread apart eyes.  Her nose narrow, then wide and upturned at the end. 

I snapped out of my Octavia daydream when I suddenly heard a whistle coming from the entrance way.  Everyone in the kitchen immediately turned towards the noise, covering their ears and cursing.

"Shit." I muttered as I heard the sound again, feeling like my eardrums would burst from the noise.  Suddenly, Pike came into view.  He looked serious, his lips stretched into a thin line.  He wore black slacks and a black shirt.  He looked like he was about to go to a funeral or something.  Once everyone in the kitchen was quiet, Pike talked in his booming voice.  Well, yelled was more like it.

"Everyone needs to listen to what I am about to say!" Pike yelled, his mustache moving along with his mouth.  The lights from above made his bald head look shiny and smooth.  No one spoke.  "The past few days, your behavior has greatly improved.  But there have still been some occurrences!" Pike looked exaggeratedly at Murphy, who just laughed at the recognition.  He raised his hand as if he were winning an award and everyone started clapping.  Well, except for Pike, obviously.  He just scowled and blew his whistle, causing everyone to cover their ears once again.  

"This behavior that most of you are showing needs to continue!  Especially, for the fact that Grounder High School is coming tomorrow!" 

Immediately, everyone in the room started talking, the noise in the room turning from a low buzz into high pitched yells.  Everyone in the city of Arkadia knew that Grounder High School and Skaikru High School were rivals.  Saying our schools were rivals was an understatement, actually.  What we two schools had was a mortal hatred, more than dislike.  Way more.  Let's just say, for example, if we all lived under the same roof, that roof would probably explode within the first minute of the Grounder's arrival.  

"Quiet down!" Pike yelled, the vein on his forehead popping out more each time he yelled louder.  As everyone around us kept talking, I fixed the goggles that were resting on my hair, trying to hear what Octavia was saying.

"I can't believe they forgot to mention that part of the Academy when they told us about it." Octavia scowled, rolling her eyes.  

"They told us we would be the only ones." Clarke frowned.

"Well, they did say that we might be joined by more people later in time." Monty said from my right.

"Yeah, but we all thought they meant people from Skaikru.  And this doesn't really qualify as later in time." Bellamy huffed.  

"Okay, now, let's settle down!  Settle down,everybody!" Everybody seemed to quiet down for the time being, but I'm sure that as soon as Pike left there would be a full on riot in the kitchen.  I should probably get out of here before something bad happened.  

"The Grounders will be coming tomorrow morning!  There are 54 of them, and we need to behave around every single one of them!  I don't want any pranks, foul language, or any other terrible thing directed at them!  They are here for their own purposes and we all need to respect that!"  Pike shouted, pretty much turning down each plan any person in the 100 could come up with to spite the Grounders.  No one, including me, never really knew where this hatred started, all we knew was that they were our sure enemies.  

"I hope you can learn from them and treat them with only the best!" Pike dismissed us all with a wave of his hand and walked out of the room.  From his facial expressions, I could tell that Pike was upset about the Grounders coming also, but he couldn't very well go up against the student board or the PTA, since a lot of those parents had children that were Grounders.  

Immediately after Pike was out of sight and earshot, everyone started yelling, rioting, just as I had expected.  The people at our table had gone back to complaining but barely moved, not wanting to join in with everyone else who were jumping around and standing on tables, as if we were back to our first day here.  

Bellamy suddenly stood up.

"Hey!" he yelled, his voice deep and loud. "Everyone needs to just calm down!  Just because the Grounders will be here soon enough, it doesn't mean we have to talk to them.  Just avoid them and everything will be fine!"  Bellamy sat back down next to Clarke.

Clarke seemed surprised at his change in view point of how the 100 should behave, and smiled once again at Bellamy.  When he smirked back at her, I guess something came over her, because she leaned towards him and kissed his cheek.  Everyone made fake grossed out sounds, except for me.  I just wished that Octavia had been Clarke.  And that I had been Bellamy.

Sorry for the sort of short and boring chapter, but in the next one the Grounders are coming!!!  I'm going to try to make tomorrow's longer.  Wish me good luck at my concert tomorrow!  Thanks for reading!


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