Chapter 23

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Sorry for not posting sooner!  As I said before, I've been busy working on my own original story.  Please vote and comment, and thanks for reading!


Clarke's POV

So we lived on for a few weeks, which ended up being surprisingly calm.  The meals were normal, the people were normal, the friends were normal.  The only thing different was Finn.  He war the ever-present shadow that stood in the corner of every room, the slight hesitation I made every time I passed by his occupied dorm.  I was still fearful of a repeat of his last day, that he would pop out of his room and pull me back in.  But I was Clarke Griffin, and I wasn't scared of anything.  That's what I wanted everyone to think.

Octavia and Lincoln were happy, I could tell.  Lincoln would draw Octavia while she chatted with the other people at our table.  Monty and Harper were dating, finally letting us all end our betting on the two of them.  Raven and Lexa, though unexpected, were the sweetest couple ever, even though their idea of a date was working out together.  

Now, Bellamy.  Bellamy is the light of my life.  I'm not a sappy person, not at all, so I don't really know how to explain this.  I just like a part of my soul is inside of his, constantly living next to each other even when we were in different places.  Does that sound crazy?

Anyway, despite Finn's attitude that everything was back to normal, none of us really let our eyes stray from him.  He would try to talk to us once in a while, offering one-liners and good conversations.  However, the conversations never really got past 'fuck you'.

Its only a few weeks to graduation, luckily.  I just don't know what we are supposed to graduate from, I mean, we don't even really do work here.  Sometimes I just wonder why they dumped us all here, especially people like Murphy.  I had tried to contact my mom in this subject but she seemed to never pick up her phone.

It was days like this, when everything seemed a bit secretive to me.  I would question why we were here, why we never received any new from the Skaikru.  However, I would always try to just push back these thoughts.

Suddenly, on this day, I heard a knock on my dorm door.  I had been drawing on my bed, my fingers gray with the pencil marks.  The bright light from outside filtered in through the window, casting a whitish glow around the room.  Dropping my stuff, I walked over and opened the door, surprised to find Finn standing in front of me.  His brown hair was in its usual disheveled do, his eyes bright with laughter and smile wide.

"Hey, princess." I stared, scowling at him. "Guess I haven't won you over yet?" Finn's smile was plastered onto his face.  Already closing the door, I spat out the one word.

"No." Right before the door closed, his hand came out and kept the door just a few inches open.  His voice was clear through the small space.

"What if I told you that I know exactly why they sent us here?" 

Sorry this is super short.  I'll update soon.  Thanks for reading!


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