Chapter - THIRTEEN - Getting Into Action

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And to the reader who said this sequel is boring, go read someone else's book! That's your opinion. A lot of people like the book, so that's why I'm writing it. Who are you to judge, you probably never even written a book in your life, and AUTHOR'S like me, know how hard it is.

So, thanks for your opinion but..

No thanks (:

A/n/ I cant wait to finish this book. I hate writing this for some reason. Anyways hope ya'll like it. Sorry for the mistakes/errors

I'm not sure how long this book is gonna be lol. Maybe 50 pages? Okay yeah I don't know. Anyways, Comment and vote <3 Thanks


The next few classes flew by effortlessly. I met a new girl, who was actually from Chicago. She was super pretty, her name was Mecca Sanchez. She was Colombian and Puerto Rican descent. She had curly, light brown hair, that reached a little past her shoulders, and she died the ends this flaming red. Usually, it wouldn't look good on nobody but she had it pulled off. She was a Freshmen just like I was. She had, a tattoo on her left arm, which consited on a cross 'Jesus piece' and had alarming light brown eyes. Her lips were full and she also had long thick eyelashes, which she says gets annoying cause they keep getting into her eyes. She also has, rosey cheeks with neat eyebrows.

She was beyond perfect. And as a matter of fact she was single, because she said her last boyfriend had abusive issues and she wasn't having that.

Well.She was nice enough which was a good thing... and had an interesting personality.

Anyways, as crazy as it seems, she was Dyslexic, which didn't stop her to applying to Duke. She told me, her biggest goal was to go to Oxford, in England, because that was her dream School, but she decided not to take the chance, only because only the smartesst, people go there.

The girl had a loco side to her for real, I swear she didn't care who you were, she would tell you off in an instant. But, on the other hand, once you won her affections, she was cool, nice and loyal. At least to me.

We were, taking a break from one of our courses, and just chillin outside.

"So, you like it at North Carolina?"

Mecca shrugged her shoulders. Today, she was wearing a pair of sweatpants, and her grey and white Jordans. She had her hair wrapped into a sloppy bun, and wore no makeup, although she still looked good.

 Mecca shrugged her shoulders, and stuck in the cherry lollipop she was suckin and slurpin on.

"I mean, it's aiight... but I like it better at my hometown."

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