I'm Crying (Natsu POV)

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"...Lucy." I said it solidly, but still extremely shakily. I almost didn't believe it was her, but she had the locket, she had the hair, the aura, the eyes, the voice, but most of all, she had the smile. I could never forget that smile, nor the first time I saw it. Catching someone after they fall out of a window is not something people typically forget.

"Sir, I wa-" Bridget began, but I cut her off.

"Please, Bridget. I thought I told you all not to call me Sir, Master, or otherwise. It's just Natsu." I said slightly sternly. She nodded with the sudden realization that she hadn't called me by my first name and then she continued.

"Well, Natsu, I was just wondering if maybe we should ring her butler, Emmit, and possibly inform him of her staying the night?" I looked at her quizzically. Right as I began to try and give a reply, Lucy spoke up.

"Natsu, would that be okay, if I slept over?" She said excitement flowing out of her like a waterfall. I didn't know anything about her school status, but it was Saturday so I really didn't need to, yet. I gave her my famous Natsu Dragneel smirk and nodded. She ran up to me and gave me one of those hugs I missed so much, now I knew for sure it was her, nobody gave hugs like this! Her and Bridget ran off to the nearest telephone to ring Emmit.

Timeskip (1hour later)
"I told you she would come back, Mister Natsu." Henry said as Lucy was in the kitchen raiding my fridge as she always does. I chuckled softly as I heard her scream when she found the chocolate cake.

"CHOCOLATE!!!" Henry gave a soft smile towards the direction of the scream.

"That's definitely our Lucy, Natsu. She kept her promise, she promised she would come back and be with you again, eventually, and look at what's happening right now, she's stealing our food again after three years. She has never broken a promise to you, ever." His speech brought back many memories that I could never forget, and I never will. She has been my best friend since we were 6 years old, and we are 17 now, that's 11 years we've been friends. I haven't heard anything from her for three years. I was so happy to see her. I was gonna do it, it was time for the sneak attack. I walked silently into the kitchen while she was still in my fridge. I came up behind her and swooped her up into my arms bridal style. I swung her around the kitchen and she screamed and giggled like she always would. I was laughing too. She was the only person that could bring this part of me out to the surface. I would never do this with anyone other than her. When I put her down we were both out of breath and still laughing. My fridge was still open and we raced across the kitchen to get to it first, and, I'm ashamed to admit this, she won. She always was faster than me. We giggled like fools while we rolled on the floor from where we fell from our laughter.

Later we went to watch a movie on the couch and about halfway through she fell asleep on my chest. It kind of made me smile but I carried her bridal style up to her room. She had her own separate room in my house and I had one in her's. She was my first friend, and she is my best friend. I have told her about things with my brother. She was the first person I called when my mother was killed. She was the only person I went to when I would have the nightmares again. She's really the only person left that I would protect with my life. She was the only one who made me smile. My friends at Fairy Tail High have never seen me smile, but I think that with Lucy here that's about to change. My best friend is back in my life and she should be going to the same school as me, I think I'll be smiling a whole lot more often. I just hope that it'll stay this way.

When she woke up I heard loud groans coming from her room. I chuckled as I thought about how she is probably the exact opposite of a morning person. I heard a loud thud as the door slammed shut. I held back my laughter as much as I as she dragged her feet all the way down the stairs and into my kitchen to raid my fridge again. I turned her around and kissed her cheek. I didn't like her or anything, it was just what we did. She jumped at first, but then she smirked. She tackled me to the wall and breathed heavily into my ear for a good ten seconds and I held back laughter as I realized that it was from her lack of breath. She then stopped an looked at me intensely, she got close to my face and I started to freak out. I wanted to push her off of me because it was starting to feel real, but I couldn't for some reason, I was frozen, but that's when she did it, she pushed herself off of me and flicked my temple. She then stuck out her tongue and walked away childishly. Rubbing my temple I let out all the laughter I was holding in and she turned around and started laughing too. I started to wonder about what she was doing for school, and so I asked.

"Do you know where you're going to school?" She laughed at this.

"I don't even know if I'm GOING to school!" She spat out with annoyance in her tone. I knew immediately that this was her father's doing. She let out a long sigh.

"He's considering not letting me go to any kind of school because he didn't know if he wants me to have much chance of being around you. He hasn't arrived yet and that's the only reason I'm not dead. He is saying that he will most likely have me be homeschooled by one of the maids or Emmit. He's such a nimwad! Doesn't he realize you live right next to us?" She ranted and ranted. It flowed out of her like a waterfall. I don't think I've ever seen her so bothered, and I've known her for a very long time. I was then very depressed, she might not actually be back in my life. This might just be like the night we met, two kids with no one to talk to being secretive, only this would be the last time I saw her. I can't live in a world like that. Right as I began to speak there was a loud bang on the door and much yelling from a voice that sounded quite familiar, after a few seconds I recognized it. It was Jude Heartfillia.

'I'm dead' I thought to myself. Lucy ran and hid. She never wanted to see him again. Henry went to open the door but I placed a hand on his shoulder and told him to allow me to answer this one, I was going to protect Lucy no matter what! I opened the door slowly.

"Hello, Mister Heartfillia, is there something I can help you with?" He was angry and had two very large men standing at his sides, but there was something about him that looked slightly off. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I said nothing.

"Move out of the way, Dragneel scum! I know my daughter is here! You are to not come near her or our house do you understand me?" He yelled with a finger in my face. I said nothing. He snapped his fingers and the two men searched my house for Luce. One of the men went upstairs towards her direction. She was in her room, but she a password lock on it, so unless she forgot to close the door, they can't get in.

"Got ya!" I heard a deep and rough voice yell from her bedroom. She forgot to close the door!

"Let me go you brute! Put me down, RIGHT NOW!" She screamed and she screamed and she screamed. I wanted to help her, but I was terrified of them. The man put a hand over her mouth and walked out the door, the other followed and closed the door. It was my chance. I grabbed Jude by the collar of his shirt and pinned him to the wall. I was angry, there was fire in my eyes.

"IF YOU HARM LUCY IN ANYWAY I WILL PERSONALLY TAKE HER FROM THAT HOUSE AND TAKE HER BACK HERE! SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND, MY FIRST FRIEND, MY ONLY TRUE FRIEND! I will NOT let you keep ME AWAY FROM HER! Do I make MYSELF clear, SIR?" I yelled so loud I thought fire would erupt from my throat. I was pissed, he can't take her away from me again. When I looked into his eyes there was a mixture of anger and terror, it pleased me. I let go of him and opened the door for him.

"Here's the way out, and don't come beating on my door EVER AGAIN!" I said sternly. He didn't even look at me as he walked out before I slimness the door shut.

That night I sat on my bed in tears. She wasn't answering her phone, replying to my emails, she wouldn't even talk out the window like we used to do every night! What was that man doing to Lucy, MY LUCY? She left my house kicking, and screaming, and, worst of all, crying. I was ready to hurt someone. I am pretty tough. I haven't had the best life and so I'm kind of insensitive to stuff such as family dramas, or anything really, but my one weakness, the one thing that can make me the way I am right now, is Lucy.

A/N: OMG!!! This is why I hate over protective fathers! But he's not even that, he's just selfish, and cruel and, well, JUDE!!! Nobody deserves to be treated that way! Anyways...WHY WONT LUCY TALK TO NATSU!!!! Why aren't you telling me!? What? I am? OH YEAH, I AM THE AUTHOR!! You guys don't know! Hope you enjoyed! ALSO! Each chapter is one person's POV so from now on I will let you know in the chapter who's POV it is. Bye Reader-chan!!!

I'm Falling (NaLu)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang